Bt Builder

Discussions and help for the Bard's Tale Construction Set
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Re: Bt Builder

Post by sombunall »

I deleted the status and now I can trade gold. Deleting the job and skill didn't help the AC. They are still going up to 16 for my conjurer.

Re: Bt Builder

Post by sombunall »

I notice in Relis Nublar spell points are not regenerating with song number 4. I see differences in song.xml which suggest backwards compatibility is broken.

code from 0.4.7:

Code: Select all

        <type>Regenerate Spell Points</type>
code from Relis Nublar:

Code: Select all

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Re: Bt Builder

Post by caars »

sombunall wrote:I notice in Relis Nublar spell points are not regenerating with song number 4. I see differences in song.xml which suggest backwards compatibility is broken.

code from 0.4.7:

Code: Select all

        <type>Regenerate Spell Points</type>
code from Relis Nublar:

Code: Select all

It's already fixed in my own copy; I just haven't put the version with the fixed files in it in my shared folder. At the moment, there's no need to report anything wonky with the Bard Songs - at the time that version got posted I was really messing around with them to see what exactly I could do. They are mostly restored to "normal" functionality in my copy (which will probably get posted on Thursday):

Except as noted below, the Bard Songs behave as listed in the manual:

Bringaround Balland only heals 1-4 per level of the Bard (not 1-5).
Similarly, Keil's Overture does 1-4 damage per level.
(The out of combat functions of both songs are unchanged)
Finally, while out of combat Rhyme of Duotime recharges 1d2-1 spell points per "step" (roughly speaking, that cuts the regen rate approximately in half, since with each step there is basically a 50% chance of regenerating 1 spell point).

Again, that's *not* what the version currently posted (the one you've got); that's the "fixed" one that I'll post on Thursday (hopefully).
Modules for BT Builder (still very much works in progress): ... sp=sharing
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Re: Bt Builder

Post by caars »

sombunall wrote:I deleted the status and now I can trade gold. Deleting the job and skill didn't help the AC. They are still going up to 16 for my conjurer.
Hmmm ... so it's pretty safe to assume the problem isn't with either of those two files. On my end, the issue is that I can't replicate the problem for the life of me... when I create a character, their AC (so far) has always been exactly what it was supposed to be (based on the character's rolled Dex, and whether or not he/she is a Monk).
Modules for BT Builder (still very much works in progress): ... sp=sharing
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Re: Bt Builder

Post by caars »

dulsi wrote:Pressing 1 on a blank inventory bug has been fixed. I can't reproduce any problem with trade gold so I may have already fixed that.

Bonus always stack at the moment just like BTCS. BTCS's "solution" was to make long lasting spells "unreliable" in that sometimes they end when you cast a new spell. I think that is a cope out. The "unreliability" probably comes from a array of X effects. When you cast X+1 spell, it overwrites the first spell cast.

Bt Builder will have a different approach. You will be able to turn off stacking. When enabled only one spell of type X against target Y will be active at a time. So if you cast YMCA twice, you only get the effect once. If however you cast YMCA and a single target Armor Bonus spell, both will apply to that user. The reason I haven't implemented it yet is because it is a little trickier than that. You really want one bonus and one penalty to apply. You want the penalty spell to not cause the shield icon to appear. I've started putting the infrastructure in to make this work. If I can't finish this in the next day or two, I'll release a new build with the fixes I currently have.
That is the source of my error then - I'd assumed the stacking rules had already been implemented. (I think I'm going to make MYSH and YMCA combat only spells then until the stacking is implemented; it's either that or make the two spells so cost-prohibitive to cast that it discourages people trying to stack them - which really just doesn't "feel" right).

I *did* confirm that the "permanent AC boost" with saved games is not just a case of having a boatload of MYSH running (from casting it over and over - which is how I figured out it was stacking) when you load from a save. If that were the case, the AC would drop back to normal when you enter the Guild (since all those copies of MYSH would wear off). But my AC didn't budge at all (which jives with the shield icon being missing whenever I load from a save - it definitely forgets there was an AC boost spell running if you load from a save, which changes the AC boost the spell gave you into a permanent, non-dispell-able bonus).
Modules for BT Builder (still very much works in progress): ... sp=sharing
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Re: Bt Builder

Post by caars »

@Methuselahs: Can you repost the link to where I can download those extra dungeon tilesets you made? I can't find a copy of it for the life of me on any of my computers (and, weirdly, I can't seem to figure out where I put the ones I did download earlier), and I think the original was wiped out with the original BT Builder thread.
Modules for BT Builder (still very much works in progress): ... sp=sharing
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Re: Bt Builder

Post by Methuselas »

caars wrote:@Methuselahs: Can you repost the link to where I can download those extra dungeon tilesets you made? I can't find a copy of it for the life of me on any of my computers (and, weirdly, I can't seem to figure out where I put the ones I did download earlier), and I think the original was wiped out with the original BT Builder thread.

Page 1, Post 3 of this thread should be what you're looking for.
"Using No Way as Way; Having No Limitation As Limitation". - Bruce Lee.

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Re: Bt Builder

Post by sombunall »

caars wrote: I *did* confirm that the "permanent AC boost" with saved games is not just a case of having a boatload of MYSH running (from casting it over and over - which is how I figured out it was stacking) when you load from a save. If that were the case, the AC would drop back to normal when you enter the Guild (since all those copies of MYSH would wear off). But my AC didn't budge at all (which jives with the shield icon being missing whenever I load from a save - it definitely forgets there was an AC boost spell running if you load from a save, which changes the AC boost the spell gave you into a permanent, non-dispell-able bonus).
According to this it shouldn't matter but I manually imported my party from City Builder Extended. The AC wierdness happened immediately upon adding them to the party when in Relis Nublar.
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Re: Bt Builder

Post by caars »

Methuselas wrote: Page 1, Post 3 of this thread should be what you're looking for.
@Methuselas: Actually it seems to only have the city1 tiles - I was specifically looking for that "cavern" tileset you made a while back.

@dulsi: I found a rather interesting bug: if you cast a spell whose duration is set to "combat" *outside* of combat, the spell's effect will take hold immediately and persist until you finish your next combat (for example, if a combat spell gives a character a 4 point AC bonus, and you cast it outside of combat, the character's AC will immediately be reduced by 4 points and stay that way until you have an encounter. Once the combat is over, the spell effect vanishes and the AC returns to normal.)

Because of the bug that causes saved games to "forget" when certain spell types are running, you can actually set up a pretty serious exploit with this (almost identical to the one I reported earlier) - cast what should be a combat only spell to get a buff, save the game, quit out, reload from the saved game and the combat buff has become permanent and can never be dispelled.
Modules for BT Builder (still very much works in progress): ... sp=sharing
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Re: Bt Builder

Post by caars »

Okay, I've posted an updated version of one of the modules I've been working on for BT Builder (the link to the shared folder is in my sig). There is no new content just yet (It's still the city map, and the first two dungeon levels), but there are several changes and bug fixes:

*Hitting escape at the wrong time no longer puts the temple special into an infinite loop.
*Likewise, I fixed a few instances where you could use escape to stop the execution of a special and thereby move into parts of the map you're not supposed to be able to visit just yet.
*The module won't crash any more if you try to trade gold.
*The old man in the Cesspool should no longer ask you to rescue his daughter immediately after you bring her to him.
*The lizard/lizard man "set" encounters in the Cesspool will no longer "respawn" as long as you have Rialla in your party. If you've escorted her back to the old man and you leave and come back (or save, quit, and reload) the set encounters will respawn normally. The random lizard man encounters can still occur.

*All conjurer, magician, sorcerer, wizard, and archmage spells have been updated to make full use of the new spell editor. There is an excel spreadsheet in the shared folder that has the entire spell list along with codes and what each spell does.
*mysh and ymca are (temporarily) combat spells that improve AC and saving throws (ymca's bonuses are twice what mysh's are). They'll be reverted to their "traditional" function once we've got the option to make spells non-stacking.
*Rhyme of Duotime (outside of combat) regenerates 1d2-1 spell points per "step" effectively slowing the rate at which spell points regenerate when it is playing.
*Keil's Overture does 1-4*level damage to all foes in combat, instead of 1-5*level.
*Bringaround Ballad heals 1-4*level to the party in combat, instead of 1-5*level.
*Paladins, Monks, and Warriors get 1 extra attacks every 4 levels after the first (like in the original BT games), rather than every other level like in BTCS. Paladins max out at 7 attacks; Monks and Warriors at 8.
*The only requirement to become a Chronomancer is to have at least 3 spell levels in Wizard (and know level 3 spells in whatever your current class is). When becoming a Chronomancer, all previously known spell levels will be forgotten permanently. [See the Known Issues, though]
*A "fighter type" who reaches 13th level can become a Geomancer. [But see the Known Issues]. Most previous class abilities are lost upon changing class.
*Costs for gaining a new level of spells are the same as in the original BT games (rather than the increased values from BTCS).
*The "automap" will display the entire 22 by 22 "map" you are on (the "fog of war" still applies to spaces you haven't yet visited).
*When rolling a new character, the max ability stat that can be rolled is one higher than in BTCS (more in line with the original BT games).

Known Issues:
*The Geomancer and Chronomancer spells haven't been updated with the new editor yet, so they are likely to change later.
*Likewise, the spell list (in the excel file) may not be accurate for the Geomancer and Chronomancer spells.
*Long running spell icons "write over" the map.
*When you transition between maps, map squares you visited in the previous map remain "uncovered" in the new map, potentially showing you parts of the map the party hasn't explored yet.
*Combat spells can be cast outside of combat, and their effects persist until the next time the party finishes a combat.
*When the game is saved and then reloaded from the save, certain buffing effects that are running when you saved (particularly if you cast a combat spell out of combat) that would normally wear off when the spell wears off can become permanent and cannot be dispelled. [At the moment the only fix is to save the characters at the Guild, go into the roster file, and manually set the boosted values back to what they should be.]
Modules for BT Builder (still very much works in progress): ... sp=sharing

Re: Bt Builder

Post by sombunall »

Caars tells me you did [the graphics for] the wine cellar. Excellent job. I really felt like I was in the secret chambers of a billionaire who neatly spaces out his wine racks and barrels and places them in a maze of confusing corridors and bizarre rooms. I'll never forget this. NEVER. :D I didn't even know you could do that level of 3d with pseudo3d with this engine. :mrgreen:

Re: Bt Builder

Post by sombunall »

128MB is kind of big. Do you think you can provide a patch (zip file) that eliminates directories that you know haven't changed like the image and music directory? Google drive makes it really tedious to download multiple files.

Re: Bt Builder

Post by sombunall »

About the AC not being right. Your explanation doesn't make sense for my case because when my characters where in Builder City Extended I never ran into an AC problem. Then when I manually imported my characters into Relis Nublar I had the problem almost immediately with no spell casting.

I think I know what happened. I imported them with the item IDs from BCE. I saw the items were all screwed up so I just dropped all of them. The thing is the AC is supposed to be adjusted when an item is dropped, so if it looks like a bottle of wine it does nothing to the AC right? What I should have done is sold/dropped all of the items BEFORE manually exporting/importing.

Sorry about all the confusion between these 2 AC problems (assuming I am right about this)

what goes on in vegas has to stay in vegas? I wonder if my 'to hit' is screwed up?

Re: Bt Builder

Post by sombunall »

Does tohit get affected by dexterity or is it just the level?
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Re: Bt Builder

Post by Methuselas »

caars wrote:
@Methuselas: Actually it seems to only have the city1 tiles - I was specifically looking for that "cavern" tileset you made a while back.

I updated the original link. I don't know why it wasn't there. Here's the link again. ... sp=sharing
"Using No Way as Way; Having No Limitation As Limitation". - Bruce Lee.

BTBuilder Stuff - ... sp=sharing
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