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Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 7:25 pm
by Methuselas
sombunall wrote:@Methuselas
Caars tells me you did [the graphics for] the wine cellar. Excellent job. I really felt like I was in the secret chambers of a billionaire who neatly spaces out his wine racks and barrels and places them in a maze of confusing corridors and bizarre rooms. I'll never forget this. NEVER. :D I didn't even know you could do that level of 3d with pseudo3d with this engine. :mrgreen:
I actually need to redo those, but all the images are models rendered in Maya, as tileset sprites for BTBuilder.

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:53 pm
by sombunall
Caars it would be nice if you could put a version in the zip files. Right now I have to refer to them as the 'july 23rd' release and the 'september 26th' release. See how boring that was? :P

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:11 pm
by sombunall
Anybody else notice the number of attacks going up for bards and rogues when it shouldn't?

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:08 pm
by sombunall
If you try to insert <target> manually after an effect text when you load the module it will delete the spell.

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 6:40 pm
by sombunall
How come when I'm in Relis Nublar Scry Sight is 21x21 but when I'm in sample2 or BCE it's 7x7?! I can't figure out why for the life of me.

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 6:50 pm
by caars
sombunall wrote:Anybody else notice the number of attacks going up for bards and rogues when it shouldn't?
Wait, what? Can you give me more details? This shouldn't be happening (unless you are running Rhyme of Duotime in combat)...

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 6:51 pm
by caars
sombunall wrote:How come when I'm in Relis Nublar Scry Sight is 21x21 but when I'm in sample2 or BCE it's 7x7?! I can't figure out why for the life of me.
That's in the notes for the update I posted. That's me, not dulsi.

Although ... are you actually able to cast scsi?! I thought I removed that... Dang. That's another thing I need to correct...

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 6:54 pm
by caars
sombunall wrote:@caars
Caars it would be nice if you could put a version in the zip files. Right now I have to refer to them as the 'july 23rd' release and the 'september 26th' release. See how boring that was? :P
Already done :)

My intent is to make the "uber-zip" the base fileset for the module (has everything you need to run it) and all of the updates just the minimum you need to get it up to date once you've downloaded the main module.

Although I'm having to deal with a few issues trying to get that done...

EDIT: Oh geez ... the original module archive is just plain gone from the shared folder. I've got too much to fix to put that on today's plate, but maybe early next week?

EDIT 2: Okay, it's back, although I don't know what made it "go away" in the first place. I'm having trouble getting the new 'spells.xml' in the correct place in the archive, though.

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:04 pm
by caars
I've updated the module's spells...

Basically, if you add an "m" to the beginning of the spell code for any healing spell that heals points of damage (versus just healing all damage), your spellcaster will cast 3 copies of the spell in rapid succession (called a "mass" version of the spell). Take note: I don't recommend trying this in combat, since the "mass" spell gives a *very* significant debuff to the character that it is cast on that lasts one turn.

If you really want to speed things up, you can use "mm" + normal spell code. That'll cast 10 copies of the spell on the targeted character (or the whole party for flan). Again, not a good idea to use it in combat, unless you're okay with the character to be utterly useless (and very vulnerable to attacks) for the rest of the round.

I'll fix the bugged spells I know about (and correct the spells certain items are pointing to) early next week. (In particular, don't use Antidote Potions - they're bugged to point to Poison Strike, so you'll actually end up poisoning the poor sap that tries to use them...)

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:31 pm
by sombunall
caars wrote:
sombunall wrote:How come when I'm in Relis Nublar Scry Sight is 21x21 but when I'm in sample2 or BCE it's 7x7?! I can't figure out why for the life of me.
That's in the notes for the update I posted. That's me, not dulsi.

Although ... are you actually able to cast scsi?! I thought I removed that... Dang. That's another thing I need to correct...
You confused me. You called it "the automap". What is this doom? :lol: I thought you were talking about some undocumented feature. Anyway after a long scavenger hunt that took me 1.5 hours I found it. That code is in display.xml and it looks like this:

Code: Select all

Also I was able to cast scsi because I don't want to use graph paper and I cheated :P Just call it Sombunall's gameplay tweaks. I might release a file or 2. :D

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:46 pm
by sombunall
caars wrote:
sombunall wrote:Anybody else notice the number of attacks going up for bards and rogues when it shouldn't?
Wait, what? Can you give me more details? This shouldn't be happening (unless you are running Rhyme of Duotime in combat)...
This is only happening in Relis Nublar. I don't remember casting duotime in combat while in your module but I DO cast it out of combat. Bard Songs don't continue when you reload a savegame right?

I just confirmed the spell is not running but they are getting the extra attacks. Wierd. I even checked job.xml and everything looks proper. Hmmm. :shock:

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 11:34 pm
by sombunall
Seems every character was affected. Must be a buff/debuff problem. My warrior and paladin was 1 over and every other class was 2 over. Looks like my party is less powerful now [that I had to de-hack them]. Luckily I never sang a saving throws song but these bugs are getting annoying. I hope the next version fixes them.

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:00 am
by caars
sombunall wrote:
You confused me. You called it "the automap". What is this doom? :lol: I thought you were talking about some undocumented feature. Anyway after a long scavenger hunt that took me 1.5 hours I found it. That code is in display.xml and it looks like this:

Code: Select all

Yep, that's it - although there was another tweak that positions it so that it doesn't go past the bottom of the screen.

Actually, I've never played doom; didn't even know it had an automap feature. It was a reference to BT3 - that's what they called it there.

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:11 am
by caars
sombunall wrote:
caars wrote:
sombunall wrote:Anybody else notice the number of attacks going up for bards and rogues when it shouldn't?
Wait, what? Can you give me more details? This shouldn't be happening (unless you are running Rhyme of Duotime in combat)...
This is only happening in Relis Nublar. I don't remember casting duotime in combat while in your module but I DO cast it out of combat. Bard Songs don't continue when you reload a savegame right?

I just confirmed the spell is not running but they are getting the extra attacks. Wierd. I even checked job.xml and everything looks proper. Hmmm. :shock:
Don't worry - I'm mentioned this particular one enough that I *know* it's on dulsi's list. I believe what you are experiencing is a "side effect" of that bug and a former "tweak" to the Bard Songs in Relis Nublar.

I've never liked the extremely rapid rate Rhyme of Duotime regenerated SP in BTCS, so I tried to alter it to make "regenerate spell points" a combat only thing (it would regen 1-4*bard's level, with me probably tweaking that as needed for balance). Then I made the +1 attack effect the out of combat effect.

Two issues: apparently the code doesn't support "scaling by level" for sp regen effects, so the song only restored 1-4 sp, not 1-4 per level. And if you save, exit, and reload from a previous save, a fair number of magical effects cast over the party are "forgotten" (specifically, the fact that there was a buff is forgotten, but the buff itself isn't - so the engine doesn't know there's a buff to "subtract out" once the effect ends). In effect, the buff becomes permanent and cannot be removed or dispelled. Ever. (Without actually going into the roster and doing it manually).

So, you'd cast RoD out of combat, everyone gets +1 attacks. Most likely save and quit with RoD still going. Later on started from your save, and you still had the +1 attack, but the fact RoD was running wasn't saved, so there's nothing to tell the program to remove the +1 attack. And since RoD isn't running, you start it up again. And now the +1 becomes a +2, and so on.

So I reverted the song to be what I described in the latest update. Any +attacks you picked up and "saved" onto yourself will still be there. But RoD will no longer up the attacks if cast out of combat. The fundamental bug is still there, but the ability to get scads of free attacks using RoD in my module isn't. At least it shouldn't be.

Re: Bt Builder

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:25 am
by sombunall

Ok that makes sense.