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64 Character create/save problem

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 1:04 am
by Ben
Please Help! But before I ask, here's what I'm using so far:

Bards Tale version - From the Adventures' Guild, Arnolds, and a half dozen others

When I create a new character, I can't select <-- abort when trying for new stats. I have to accept it, name them, then delete that one and try again.
I'm thinking is there a button the 64 had that my keyboard can't represent?
But, on BT3 the spacebar works fine for this.

When I create a new character and delete it, it says there's no one here by that name! (or similar saying) I check the roster, and it's there.
I try to delete it again, it seems to work, but check roster again and its still on there.
Or I'll create a character, check the roster, it's not there - mostly this.

Overall it seems to do random things, doesn't delete, doesn't create, after deleted - name shows up again on roster.
In comparison BT3 works fine.

This happens with every BT1 version I've found mentioned above, so it must be something I'm doing.
And after reading what you guys do to the games, I know I'm in the right place!

Off topic - How do I type "star" ? Load"*",8,1
When using CCS64 I can't find it on the keyboard

Now that's out of the way, I can say how excited I am to find all this stuff this week.
I got into BT around when it first came out (in Australia, late eighties) I was 10. So to find it all here, being able to play it, see the pics, remember the quotes, I'm an excited boy again!
I've downloaded the manuals, maps, and ready to go. I never got to complete any of them so I can now get back to conquer the towers :)
Someone mentioned the Arnold version is the closest or an original, so hopefully I can go with that.

Except for my little problem :(
Thanks in advance

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:02 am
by Darendor
Hi, I use the WinVICE emulator for playing the C64 versions.

Have you used the tilde key for the <- key?

Also, try using the apostrophe key for the asterisk.

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:04 am
by Darendor
Also, if you're after the pure vanilla version of Tales Of The Unknown, I would suggest avoiding my "altered" version from last Christmas...

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:21 pm
by ZeroZero
The <- key is the top left most key on the PC keyboard, right below the ESC key. If for any reason your PC does not support that key, you can use a virtual keyboard in the CCS or even reassign a key.

As for the disk not saving data - the disk might be write protected, this was possible on the C64 via setting byte 2 on track 18 sector 0 to a value other than 0 or 41 ("A").

Also, in CCS64, check the general options (ALT-O) that the 1541 saving emulation is set to "Continously".

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:04 am
by Ben
Thanks guys!

That did fix it all!
And I like the WinVice filter it puts over the screen, does look like the old monitor back in the day.

Thanks heeeaaaaps for the help folks, It's very appreciated

It's been 26 years for me, it's time to return to Scara Brae...

Darendor wrote:Also, if you're after the pure vanilla version of Tales Of The Unknown, I would suggest avoiding my "altered" version from last Christmas...
I shall track it down some time :D