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Whoooo Hooo

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:46 am
by Toll
I have finally got my hands on a working copy of Tales of the Unknown for the C64.

I now have working copies of all 3 games + Dragon Wars. I am off adventuring.... :D

I have 1541 to USB so I will try and make D64 copies of the disks.

I know I am a sad individual regressing to my teens, but I am still over the moon!! !



Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:48 am
by Toll
After an 2 hours creating a new Character disk and rolling new Characters I am ready to rumble. I plan to take this party through all three games on the 64

If anybody is interested my party consists of:
Human Paladin
Human Monk
Human Bard
Elf Magic user
Elf Magic user
Elf Magic user

My I must say that running this on a C64 changes some of the decisions one would make if one is using an emulator.

With the emulator one you can do a quick save you can do this anywhere anytime allowing for an aggressive strategy when it comes to fights. It seconds to reload if you don’t like the outcome. With the C64 it can take up to 10 to 15 minutes just to get your Characters saved very time consuming. You then tend to take a more cautious/patient approach to fights. You don't save characters every time you win a fight because it is such a long process. This is actually a risky strategy as you may bit off more than you can handle wasting all the time and effort being patient. This for me is the strongest memories I have from the game back when I first played....doing well and pushing it just that little bit too far and having to reload losing all the hard won gains.

Darendor’s early strategy of staying close to the temple on Rakhir St is the best strategy for starting. It takes time but it works. The party attack strategy for healing works, but can be very time consuming, it is much quicker and easier to heal if you have the money, I recommend you only use this if you are unable to pay for healing.

I am now at level 3 Conjurer and Magician which means I have War Strike and Star Flare and still have my flame horn. I have been into the wine cellar on some quick sorties to get me to this point, but most of the grunt work was done in town. I am going to skip the sewers all together and go straight to the Catacombs and see if I can win against the Wrights/Zombies. This should accelerate my leveling up if successful....or maybe I will come crashing down!

That’s all for this update.


Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:38 am
by Darendor
Toll wrote:Darendor’s early strategy of staying close to the temple on Rakhir St is the best strategy for starting. It takes time but it works. The party attack strategy for healing works, but can be very time consuming, it is much quicker and easier to heal if you have the money, I recommend you only use this if you are unable to pay for healing.
It's worth mentioning that when using an emulator (a la WinVICE), you can use the "Warp Mode" feature to speed things up. Playing the "real" way on "real" hardware is another thing entirely...

Also, when running an emulator and your party encounters disaster, if you reload from a quicksave point, I've always found that the emulator sets you up with the exact same encounter time and again...

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:31 pm
by tpth
Oh yeah didn't we work out at some point that the "random" encounters are predetermined every time you enter an area?

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:01 pm
by Toll
I know when I was using the emulator I used to quick save before going into the review board. If i didn't like the level up I got, I would just reload the quick save and do it again until I was happy.