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Studying the code

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:31 am
by gnt
Hi, I'm an amateur web developer, used to play BT a ton when I was a kid. Wondering if anyone here is familiar with the original code (ie: the DOS or C64 versions, etc.) and could offer some guides for how to go about understanding it. I don't really know anything about lower-lever programming (ie: anything closer to the machine than Javascript) but it seems like a fun way to learn.

Particularly I'm wondering what language(s) this was originally written in. (I may look into finding a decompiler.) In this interview: ... 6ccaee8c14
Cranford says he wrote in "machine language", but I'm not sure if perhaps he's referring to assembly language. Or perhaps there were multiple languages involved such as a version of Basic? Or was it in fact all just typed out by hand in Hexadecimal?

Thanks for any thoughts on this!

Re: Studying the code

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 10:00 pm
by Darendor
You might want to study this subforum in detail:


A group of us, most notably ZeroZero, Twoflower, and a few others have made progress on deciphering the game code.

I was in the process of studying out the BTII game files but I became afflicted with illness. :?

The game was written originally by Mr Cranford on an Apple II system using, I believe, 6502 assembly language.