C64 BT2: complete item list

Any developer realated stuff
Weber G
Posts: 125
Joined: Tue Dec 15, 2020 9:58 am

C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Weber G »

Below is a list of all items from BT2 including all special effects I could identify.

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# dec|	# hex|	name            |	item type |	price |	# loads   |	class usage                               |	useable outside combat|	use effect                 |	special effect                                |	AC bonus|	damage |	melee effect |	damage bonus|	chance to hit bonus|	location                                                                                                                                                                      |
0    |	00   |	empty           |	item      |	0     |	-         |	-                                         |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
1    |	01   |	Torch           |	item      |	5     |	single use|	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	yes                   |	MAKES A LIGHT              |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys                                                                                                                                                             |
2    |	02   |	Lamp            |	item      |	15    |	single use|	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	yes                   |	MAKES A LIGHT              |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys                                                                                                                                                             |
3    |	03   |	Broadsword      |	weapon    |	80    |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo                        |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	2 - 8  |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys                                                                                                                                                             |
4    |	04   |	Short Sword     |	weapon    |	30    |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am                |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	1 - 8  |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys                                                                                                                                                             |
5    |	05   |	Dagger          |	weapon    |	20    |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	1 - 4  |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys                                                                                                                                                             |
6    |	06   |	War Axe         |	weapon    |	70    |	single use|	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo                        |	no                    |	ranged combat 20' 6 - 24   |	-                                             |	-       |	2 - 8  |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys                                                                                                                                                             |
7    |	07   |	Halbard         |	weapon    |	200   |	-         |	wa/ pa/ hu/ mo                            |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	1 - 16 |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys                                                                                                                                                             |
8    |	08   |	Long Bow        |	bow       |	60    |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am                |	no                    |	-                          |	bow; arrows can be used                       |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys/ dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3                                                                                                                |
9    |	09   |	Staff           |	weapon    |	20    |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	1 - 8  |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys/ dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3                                                                                                                |
10   |	0A   |	Buckler         |	shield    |	40    |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am                |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+1      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys/ dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3                                                                                                                |
11   |	0B   |	Tower Shield    |	shield    |	100   |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu                            |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+2      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys/ dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3                                                                                                                |
12   |	0C   |	Leather Armor   |	armor     |	70    |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am                |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+2      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys/ dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3                                                                                                                |
13   |	0D   |	Chain Mail      |	armor     |	150   |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo                        |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+3      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys/ dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3                                                                                                                |
14   |	0E   |	Scale Armor     |	armor     |	300   |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu                            |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+4      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys/ dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3                                                                                                                |
15   |	0F   |	Plate Armor     |	armor     |	700   |	-         |	wa/ pa/ hu                                |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+5      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	wilderness/ citys/ dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3                                                                                                                |
16   |	10   |	Robes           |	armor     |	40    |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+1      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                         |
17   |	11   |	Helm            |	helm      |	50    |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am                |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+1      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                         |
18   |	12   |	Leather Gloves  |	gloves    |	80    |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+1      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                         |
19   |	13   |	Gauntlets       |	gloves    |	40    |	-         |	wa/ pa/ hu                                |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+1      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                         |
20   |	14   |	Mandolin        |	instrument|	130   |	-         |	ba                                        |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                         |
21   |	15   |	Spear           |	weapon    |	130   |	single use|	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo                    |	no                    |	ranged combat 30' 5 - 20   |	-                                             |	-       |	1 - 8  |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                         |
22   |	16   |	Arrows          |	misc. item|	130   |	10        |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am                |	no                    |	ranged combat 10' 3 - 12   |	can be used with a bow                        |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                         |
23   |	17   |	Mthr Sword      |	weapon    |	300   |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu                        |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	2 - 8  |	-            |	+2          |	+2                 |	dark domain 1/ dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                         |
24   |	18   |	Mthr Shield     |	shield    |	400   |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am                |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+3      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                                        |
25   |	19   |	Mthr Chain      |	armor     |	500   |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu                            |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+4      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                                        |
26   |	1A   |	Mthr Scale      |	armor     |	900   |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu                            |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+5      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                                        |
27   |	1B   |	Ogre Fgn        |	figurine  |	500   |	single use|	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	yes                   |	summons ogre               |	special                                       |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                                        |
28   |	1C   |	Bracers [6]     |	armor     |	600   |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+4      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                                        |
29   |	1D   |	Bardsword       |	weapon    |	700   |	-         |	ba                                        |	no                    |	-                          |	unlimited bard songs                          |	-       |	2 - 16 |	-            |	+4          |	+4                 |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                                        |
30   |	1E   |	Cold Horn       |	instrument|	1200  |	50        |	ba                                        |	yes                   |	breath 10 - 40             |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                                        |
31   |	1F   |	Litewand        |	misc. item|	1000  |	80        |	wi/ so/ co/ ma/ am                        |	yes                   |	LERE                       |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3                                                                                                        |
32   |	20   |	Mthr Dagger     |	weapon    |	200   |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	1 - 4  |	-            |	+2          |	+2                 |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4          |
33   |	21   |	Mthr Helm       |	helm      |	300   |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo                    |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+2      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4          |
34   |	22   |	Mthr Gloves     |	gloves    |	400   |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa                                |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+2      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4          |
35   |	23   |	Mthr Axe        |	weapon    |	300   |	single use|	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo                        |	no                    |	ranged combat 20' 6 - 24   |	-                                             |	-       |	2 - 8  |	-            |	+2          |	+2                 |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4          |
36   |	24   |	Shuriken        |	misc. item|	300   |	single use|	wa/ ro/ ba/ hu/ mo                        |	yes                   |	ranged combat 20' 4 - 16   |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4          |
37   |	25   |	Mthr Plate      |	armor     |	2000  |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa                                |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+6      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4          |
38   |	26   |	Molten Fgn      |	figurine  |	300   |	single use|	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	yes                   |	summons molten man         |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4          |
39   |	27   |	Spell Spear     |	weapon    |	1000  |	single use|	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am                |	yes                   |	ranged combat 30' 8 - 32   |	-                                             |	-       |	1 - 16 |	-            |	+2          |	+2                 |	dark domain 2/ dark domain 3/ dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4          |
40   |	28   |	Shield Ring     |	ring      |	700   |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+2      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4                                        |
41   |	29   |	Fin´s Flute     |	instrument|	100   |	-         |	ba                                        |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+2      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4                                        |
42   |	2A   |	Kael´s Axe      |	weapon    |	1300  |	single use|	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu                            |	no                    |	ranged combat 20' 6 - 24   |	-                                             |	-       |	5 - 20 |	poisons      |	+2          |	+2                 |	dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4                                        |
43   |	2B   |	Mthr Arrows     |	misc. item|	600   |	10        |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo                    |	no                    |	ranged combat 40' 9 - 36   |	can be used with a bow                        |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4                                        |
44   |	2C   |	Dayblade        |	weapon    |	700   |	80        |	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu                            |	yes                   |	LERE                       |	-                                             |	-       |	3 - 24 |	-            |	+1          |	+1                 |	dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4                                        |
45   |	2D   |	Shield Staff    |	weapon    |	400   |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+2      |	1 - 16 |	-            |	+1          |	+1                 |	dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4                                        |
46   |	2E   |	Elf Cloak       |	misc. item|	1000  |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+3      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4                                        |
47   |	2F   |	Hawkblade       |	weapon    |	500   |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu                            |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	3 - 24 |	-            |	+1          |	+1                 |	dark domain 4/ tombs 1/ tombs 2/ tombs 3/ fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4                                        |
48   |	30   |	Admt Sword      |	weapon    |	600   |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu                        |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	2 - 8  |	-            |	+4          |	+4                 |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
49   |	31   |	Admt Shield     |	shield    |	500   |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu                        |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+4      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
50   |	32   |	Admt Helm       |	helm      |	500   |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu                        |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+3      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
51   |	33   |	Admt Gloves     |	gloves    |	300   |	-         |	wa/ pa                                    |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+3      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
52   |	34   |	Pureblade       |	weapon    |	400   |	-         |	pa                                        |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	3 - 48 |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
53   |	35   |	Boomerang       |	misc. item|	500   |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ mo                            |	no                    |	ranged combat 50' 12 - 48  |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
54   |	36   |	Ali´s Carpet    |	misc. item|	400   |	88        |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	yes                   |	MALE                       |	-                                             |	+2      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
55   |	37   |	Luckshield      |	shield    |	600   |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu                        |	no                    |	-                          |	+2 chance to run; hide in shadows works always|	+3      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
56   |	38   |	Dozer Fgn       |	figurine  |	600   |	single use|	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	yes                   |	summons bulldozer          |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
57   |	39   |	Admt Chain      |	armor     |	1000  |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu                            |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+5      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
58   |	3A   |	Death Stars     |	weapon    |	800   |	4         |	hu                                        |	yes                   |	ranged combat 40' 16 - 64  |	-                                             |	-       |	1 - 4  |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
59   |	3B   |	Admt Plate      |	armor     |	2000  |	-         |	wa/ pa                                    |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+7      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
60   |	3C   |	Bracers [4]     |	armor     |	800   |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+6      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
61   |	3D   |	Slayer Fgn      |	figurine  |	400   |	single use|	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	yes                   |	summons slayer             |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
62   |	3E   |	Pure Shield     |	shield    |	800   |	-         |	pa                                        |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+5      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
63   |	3F   |	Mage Staff      |	weapon    |	1200  |	-         |	wi/ so/ co/ ma/ am                        |	no                    |	-                          |	+1 spell point regeneration                   |	+2      |	3 - 24 |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	fanskar's castle/ dargoth's tower 1/ dargoth's tower 2/ dargoth's tower 3/ dargoth's tower 4/ dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2                             |
64   |	40   |	War Staff       |	weapon    |	1600  |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	4 - 32 |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
65   |	41   |	Thief Dagger    |	weapon    |	1000  |	-         |	ro                                        |	no                    |	-                          |	no effect identified                          |	-       |	5 - 20 |	-            |	+1          |	+1                 |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
66   |	42   |	Soul Mace       |	weapon    |	2000  |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu                            |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	2 - 16 |	possesses    |	+3          |	+3                 |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
67   |	43   |	Giantwand       |	wand      |	2000  |	88        |	wi/ so/ co/ ma/ am                        |	yes                   |	WIGI                       |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
68   |	44   |	Kato´s bracer   |	misc. item|	5000  |	-         |	wi/ so/ co/ ma/ am                        |	no                    |	-                          |	no effect identified                          |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
69   |	45   |	Sorcerstaff     |	weapon    |	6000  |	80        |	wi/ so/ co/ ma/ am                        |	yes                   |	DIIL                       |	-                                             |	+2      |	3 - 12 |	-            |	+3          |	+3                 |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
70   |	46   |	Galt´s Flute    |	instrument|	1100  |	88        |	ba                                        |	no                    |	WIHE                       |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
71   |	47   |	Frost Horn      |	instrument|	1500  |	65        |	ba                                        |	yes                   |	breath 24 - 96             |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
72   |	48   |	Ag´s Arrows     |	misc. item|	4000  |	10        |	wa/ pa/ hu                                |	no                    |	ranged combat 60' 24 - 96  |	can be used with a bow                        |	-       |	-      |	-            |	+6          |	+6                 |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
73   |	49   |	Dmnd Shield     |	shield    |	8000  |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa                                |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+5      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
74   |	4A   |	Bard Bow        |	bow       |	3000  |	-         |	ba                                        |	no                    |	-                          |	bow; arrows can be used                       |	+2      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
75   |	4B   |	Dmnd Helm       |	helm      |	7000  |	-         |	wa/ pa/ hu                                |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+4      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
76   |	4C   |	Elf Boots       |	misc. item|	10000 |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
77   |	4D   |	Van Fgn         |	instrument|	12000 |	single use|	ba                                        |	yes                   |	summons vanquisher         |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
78   |	4E   |	Conjurstaff     |	weapon    |	1200  |	-         |	wi/ so/ co/ ma/ am                        |	no                    |	-                          |	half spell points cost                        |	+2      |	3 - 12 |	-            |	+2          |	+2                 |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
79   |	4F   |	Staff of Lor    |	weapon    |	1000  |	35        |	wi/ so/ co/ ma/ mo/ am                    |	no                    |	REST                       |	-                                             |	-       |	5 - 20 |	-            |	+1          |	+1                 |	dargoth's tower 5/ maze of dread 1/ maze of dread 2/ maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3                                              |
80   |	50   |	Ring of Return  |	ring      |	800   |	3         |	wi/ so/ co/ ma/ pa/ am                    |	no                    |	SASP                       |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
81   |	51   |	Powerstaff      |	weapon    |	1100  |	51        |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ am        |	yes                   |	SOWH                       |	-                                             |	-       |	3 - 24 |	-            |	+1          |	+1                 |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
82   |	52   |	Breathring      |	ring      |	300   |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	no damage from breathing                      |	-       |	-      |	-            |	+1          |	+1                 |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
83   |	53   |	Dragonshield    |	shield    |	600   |	20        |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	yes                   |	breath 32 - 128            |	-                                             |	+4      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
84   |	54   |	Dmnd Plate      |	armor     |	8000  |	-         |	wa/ pa                                    |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+8      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
85   |	55   |	Wargloves       |	gloves    |	4000  |	-         |	wa/ pa                                    |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+4      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
86   |	56   |	Wizhelm         |	helm      |	9000  |	25        |	am                                        |	no                    |	WIZW                       |	-                                             |	+3      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
87   |	57   |	Dragonwand      |	wand      |	12000 |	35        |	wi/ so/ co/ ma/ am                        |	no                    |	breath 96 - 384            |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
88   |	58   |	Deathring       |	ring      |	4000  |	64        |	wa/ pa/ hu                                |	yes                   |	ANDE                       |	-                                             |	+1      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
89   |	59   |	Crystal Sword   |	weapon    |	15000 |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu                            |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	3 - 48 |	-            |	+1          |	+1                 |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
90   |	5A   |	Speedboots      |	misc. item|	4000  |	-         |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am                |	no                    |	-                          |	no effect identified                          |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
91   |	5B   |	Flame Horn      |	instrument|	40000 |	60        |	ba                                        |	yes                   |	breath 128 - 512           |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
92   |	5C   |	Zen Arrows      |	misc. item|	8000  |	10        |	wa/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo                    |	no                    |	ranged combat 70' 40 - 160 |	can be used with a bow                        |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
93   |	5D   |	Drums of Death  |	instrument|	14000 |	12        |	ba                                        |	yes                   |	DEST                       |	-                                             |	+2      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
94   |	5E   |	Pipes of Pan    |	instrument|	6000  |	-         |	ba                                        |	no                    |	GRRE                       |	-                                             |	+2      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
95   |	5F   |	Ring of Power   |	ring      |	40000 |	17        |	wi/ so/ co/ ma/ hu/ am                    |	yes                   |	MAGM                       |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	maze of dread 3/ oscon's fortress 1/ oscon's fortress 2/ oscon's fortress 3/ oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3|
96   |	60   |	Song Axe        |	weapon    |	20000 |	-         |	ba                                        |	no                    |	ranged combat 70' 64 - 256 |	unlimited bard songs                          |	+3      |	1 - 4  |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
97   |	61   |	Trick Brick     |	misc. item|	20000 |	30        |	wi/ so/ co/ ma/ am                        |	no                    |	WZWA                       |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
98   |	62   |	Dragon Fgn      |	figurine  |	6000  |	single use|	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	yes                   |	summons blast dragon       |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
99   |	63   |	Mage Fgn        |	figurine  |	6000  |	single use|	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	yes                   |	summons master mage        |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
100  |	64   |	Troll Ring      |	ring      |	40000 |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	+1 hit point regeneration                     |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
101  |	65   |	Aram´s Knife    |	weapon    |	60000 |	-         |	wa/ pa/ hu                                |	yes                   |	ranged combat 80' 128 - 512|	-                                             |	-       |	2 - 8  |	-            |	+4          |	+4                 |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
102  |	66   |	Angra´s Eye     |	misc. item|	10000 |	7         |	wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ba/ pa/ am                |	yes                   |	BASP                       |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
103  |	67   |	Herb Fgn        |	figurine  |	6000  |	single use|	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	yes                   |	summons herb               |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
104  |	68   |	Master Wand     |	wand      |	10000 |	11        |	am                                        |	yes                   |	NILA                       |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
105  |	69   |	Brothers Fgn    |	figurine  |	6000  |	single use|	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	yes                   |	summons kringle bro'       |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
106  |	6A   |	Dynamite        |	misc. item|	3000  |	single use|	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	yes                   |	MAMA                       |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
107  |	6B   |	Thor´s Hammer   |	weapon    |	50000 |	-         |	wa/ pa                                    |	yes                   |	ranged combat 90' 32 - 128 |	+1 hit point regeneration                     |	-       |	4 - 64 |	-            |	+2          |	+2                 |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
108  |	6C   |	Stoneblade      |	misc. item|	80000 |	-         |	wa/ pa/ hu                                |	yes                   |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	+3          |	+3                 |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
109  |	6D   |	Holy Handgrenade|	misc. item|	3000  |	single use|	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	MAMA                       |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
110  |	6E   |	Masterkey       |	misc. item|	15000 |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	opens all gates                               |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
111  |	6F   |	Nospin Ring     |	ring      |	50000 |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	no spin effect                                |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	oscon's fortress 4/ grey crypt 1/ grey crypt 2/ destiny stone 1/ destiny stone 2/ destiny stone 3                                                                             |
112  |	70   |	Torch!          |	item      |	500   |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
113  |	71   |	Sword of Zar    |	weapon    |	100000|	-         |	wa/ pa/ hu                                |	yes                   |	ranged combat 80' 96 - 384 |	-                                             |	-       |	2 - 128|	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
114  |	72   |	Vial            |	misc. item|	500   |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	special                                       |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
115  |	73   |	Item of K       |	item      |	500   |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	opens oscon's frotress                        |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
116  |	74   |	The Ring        |	ring      |	500   |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
117  |	75   |	                |	ring      |	1000  |	-         |	wa/ wi/ so/ co/ ma/ ro/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo/ am|	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+4      |	-      |	-            |	+4          |	+4                 |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
118  |	76   |	                |	weapon    |	1200  |	-         |	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu/ mo                        |	no                    |	-                          |	-                                             |	+4      |	5 - 80 |	-            |	+4          |	+4                 |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
119  |	77   |	Sgmt 1          |	misc. item|	50000 |	-         |	am                                        |	yes                   |	WZWA                       |	special                                       |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
120  |	78   |	Sgmt 2          |	misc. item|	50000 |	-         |	am                                        |	no                    |	-                          |	special                                       |	+6      |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
121  |	79   |	Sgmt 3          |	misc. item|	50000 |	-         |	am                                        |	no                    |	WIZW                       |	special                                       |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
122  |	7A   |	Sgmt 4          |	misc. item|	50000 |	-         |	am                                        |	yes                   |	WIMA                       |	special                                       |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
123  |	7B   |	Sgmt 5          |	misc. item|	50000 |	-         |	am                                        |	yes                   |	BASP                       |	special                                       |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
124  |	7C   |	Sgmt 6          |	misc. item|	50000 |	-         |	am                                        |	yes                   |	HEAL                       |	special                                       |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
125  |	7D   |	Sgmt 7          |	misc. item|	50000 |	-         |	am                                        |	yes                   |	BRKR                       |	special                                       |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
126  |	7E   |	The Scepter     |	misc. item|	200000|	-         |	am                                        |	no                    |	breath 208 - 832           |	special                                       |	-       |	-      |	-            |	-           |	-                  |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
127  |	7F   |	Spectre Snare   |	weapon    |	120000|	64        |	wa/ ba/ pa/ hu                            |	yes                   |	SPBI                       |	-                                             |	+9      |	4 - 64 |	critical hits|	+1          |	+1                 |	-                                                                                                                                                                             |
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Darendor »

Where in memory was this list found?
Weber G
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Weber G »

The items and the corresponding data can be found on the boot disk. Only the price of the items is loaded with the shop file (starting at $9FF0 in the RAM).
Weber G
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Weber G »

btw: regarding the items, there are a lot of bugs in the game...
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Darendor »

Weber G wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:09 pm btw: regarding the items, there are a lot of bugs in the game...
How do you mean exactly?

Is it possible to change an item's function around in the game; for instance, making it so Leather Gloves regenerate 4 spell points?
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Weber G »

Is it possible to change an item's function around in the game; for instance, making it so Leather Gloves regenerate 4 spell points?
That's no problem. You can change each value of an item. The same for monsters...
How do you mean exactly?
e.g. the thief dagger and the speedboots have no effect. But the luckshield has exactly the effects of the thief dagger and the speedboots.
I also couldn't find any impact of the kato's bracers...

Another bug is, that you can use some items without combat condition: e.g. frost horn, spell spear and many others.... try it out!

There are also two item which were removed, but their values are still in the list (#75h and #76h).
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Darendor »

I don't suppose you could post the location of the data where the items' attributes are?
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Darendor »

Weber G wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 6:23 pm
Is it possible to change an item's function around in the game; for instance, making it so Leather Gloves regenerate 4 spell points?
That's no problem. You can change each value of an item. The same for monsters...
How do you mean exactly?
e.g. the thief dagger and the speedboots have no effect. But the luckshield has exactly the effects of the thief dagger and the speedboots.
I also couldn't find any impact of the kato's bracers...

Another bug is, that you can use some items without combat condition: e.g. frost horn, spell spear and many others.... try it out!

There are also two item which were removed, but their values are still in the list (#75h and #76h).
Kato's Bracer is supposed to be given to a monster NPC in the party to prevent them from turning hostile.
Weber G
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Weber G »

Kato's Bracer is supposed to be given to a monster NPC in the party to prevent them from turning hostile.
I know, but it doesn't.

The start addresses in the RAM (you will find them also easily on the boot disk):
$9FF0 (shop; the only value which is on the character disk)
$8656 # of loads
$85D6 if used
$8556 usable outside combat (bit7); special effect (bit0-6)
$84D6 class usage
$8456 item type (bit0-3); melee effect (bit4-7)
$83D6 AC bonus (bit0-3); damage and chance to hit bonus (bit4-7)
$8356 damage
for the location where to find the item, check code beginning at $A6A4
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Darendor »

Can you post an example? Say, the Mage Staff?

I'm interested in knowing how it regenerates the spell points.
Weber G
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Weber G »

The spell point regeneration is 02h in the $8556 table.

It is requested at address $60E7 only (sub routine $6151 checks it => please go into the code an follow it because the sub routine $6151 does not always check if 02h is set at the item, it's a bit more complicated). It the item has 02h => $60F0 => from here you can analyse the code an you will see that the spell points are increased.

btw: Be caraful to say that a sub routine does something unless you have analysed it. Sometimes one an the same sub routine do different things dependig on deliverd values in the registers...
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Darendor »

Weber G wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:09 pm btw: regarding the items, there are a lot of bugs in the game...
You mean like how the Van Fgn is a musical instrument? :roll:
Weber G
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Weber G »

You are right. Did you try it? Can the bard sing with only a van figurine equipped?
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Darendor »

I don't have a Bard in my party, but I'll test it soon.

What I'm curious about is how you found out the maximum range of an item, and I'd also like to know how the game keeps track of what spell(s) an item casts.

For instance, Angra's Eye casts BASP, but I can't seem to find any data table that notes this. :?
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Re: C64 BT2: complete item list

Post by Darendor »

Alright, I spent a couple of days putting this post together.

I was unable to independently figure out the damage values for weapons.

Code: Select all

$8357 Damage values...Base Weapon Damage is 1-4.
Not entirely clear on how the damage multiplier is calculated.
Minimum Damage Multiplier (Bit 3-0)		Maximum Damage Multiplier (Bit 7-4)
01: 00000001	2-8 Damage
02: 00000010	3-12 Damage
03: 00000011	4-16 Damage
04: 00000100	5-20 Damage
05: 00000101	6-24 Damage
20: 00100000	1-8 Damage
21: 00100001	2-16 Damage
22: 00100010	3-24 Damage
23: 00100011	4-32 Damage
40: 01000000	1-16 Damage
41: 01000001	2-32 Damage
42: 01000010	3-48 Damage
43: 01000011	4-64 Damage
44: 01000100	5-80 Damage
81: 10000001	2-128 Damage

.C:8357  00	#$01	Torch		00000000	N/A
.C:8358  00 	#$02	Lamp		00000000	N/A
.C:8359  01 	#$03	Broadsword	00000001	2-8 Damage
.C:835a  20 	#$04	Short Sword	00100000	1-8 Damage
.C:835b  00	#$05	Dagger		00000000	1-4 Damage	????? Base damage?
.C:835c  01	#$06	War Axe		00000001	2-8 Damage
.C:835d  40 	#$07	Halbard		01000000	1-16 Damage
.C:835e  00	#$08	Long Bow	00000000	N/A
.C:835f  20	#$09 	Staff		00100000	1-8 Damage
.C:8360  00	#$0a	Buckler		00000000	N/A
.C:8361  00 	#$0b	Tower Shield	00000000	N/A
.C:8362  00	#$0c	Leather Armor	00000000	N/A
.C:8363  00  	#$0d	Chain Mail	00000000	N/A
.C:8364  00	#$0e	Scale Armor	00000000	N/A
.C:8365  00 	#$0f	Plate Armor	00000000	N/A
.C:8366  00 	#$10	Robes		00000000	N/A
.C:8367  00	#$11	Helm		00000000	N/A
.C:8368  00	#$12	Leather Gloves	00000000	N/A
.C:8369  00 	#$13	Gauntlets	00000000	N/A
.C:836a  00	#$14	Mandolin	00000000	N/A
.C:836b  20	#$15	Spear		00100000	1-8 Damage
.C:836c  00	#$16	Arrows		00000000	N/A
.C:836d  01 	#$17	Mthr Sword	00000001	2-8 Damage
.C:836e  00	#$18	Mthr Shield	00000000	N/A
.C:836f  00	#$19	Mthr Chain	00000000	N/A
.C:8370  00	#$1a	Mthr Scale	00000000	N/A
.C:8371  00	#$1b	Ogre Fgn	00000000	N/A
.C:8372  00	#$1c	Bracers [4]	00000000	N/A
.C:8373  21	#$1d	Bardsword	00100001	2-16 Damage
.C:8374  00 	#$1e	Cold Horn	00000000	N/A
.C:8375  00	#$1f	Litewand	00000000	N/A
.C:8376  00	#$20	Mthr Dagger	00000000	1-4 Damage
.C:8377  00 	#$21	Mthr Helm	00000000	N/A
.C:8378  00 	#$22	Mthr Gloves	00000000	N/A
.C:8379  01	#$23	Mthr Axe	00000001	2-8 Damage
.C:837a  00	#$24	Shuriken	00000000	N/A
.C:837b  00 	#$25	Mthr Plate	00000000	N/A
.C:837c  00	#$26	Molten Fgn	00000000	N/A
.C:837d  40	#$27	Spell Spear	01000000	1-16 Damage
.C:837e  00	#$28	Shield Ring	00000000	N/A
.C:837f  00	#$29	Fin's Flute	00000000	N/A
.C:8380  04	#$2a	Kael's Axe	00000100	5-20 Damage
.C:8381  00	#$2b	Mthr Arrows	00000000	N/A
.C:8382  22 	#$2c	Dayblade	00100010	3-24 Damage
.C:8383  40	#$2d	Shield Staff	01000000	1-16 Damage
.C:8384  00	#$2e	Elf Cloak	00000000	N/A
.C:8385  22	#$2f	Hawkblade	00100010	3-24 Damage
.C:8386  01	#$30	Admt Sword	00000001	2-8 Damage
.C:8387  00	#$31	Admt Shield	00000000	N/A
.C:8388  00 	#$32	Admt Helm	00000000	N/A
.C:8389  00	#$33	Admt Gloves	00000000	N/A
.C:838a  42 	#$34	Pureblade	01000010	3-48 Damage
.C:838b  00	#$35	Boomerang	00000000	N/A
.C:838c  00 	#$36	Ali's Carpet	00000000	N/A
.C:838d  00 	#$37	Luckshield	00000000	N/A
.C:838e  00	#$38	Dozer Fgn	00000000	N/A
.C:838f  00	#$39	Admt Chain	00000000	N/A
.C:8390  00 	#$3a	Death Stars	00000000	N/A
.C:8391  00	#$3b	Admt Plate	00000000	N/A
.C:8392  00	#$3c	Bracers [4]	00000000	N/A
.C:8393  00 	#$3d	Slayer Fgn	00000000	N/A
.C:8394  00 	#$3e	Pure Shield	00000000	N/A
.C:8395  22	#$3f	Mage Staff	00100010	3-24 Damage
.C:8396  23	#$40	War Staff	00100011	4-32 Damage
.C:8397  04	#$41	Thief Dagger	00000100	5-20 Damage
.C:8398  21	#$42	Soul Mace	00100001	2-16 Damage
.C:8399  00	#$43	Giantwand	00000000	N/A
.C:839a  00	#$44	Kato's Bracer	00000000	N/A
.C:839b  02	#$45	Sorcerstaff	00000010	3-12 Damage
.C:839c  00	#$46	Galt's Flute	00000000	N/A
.C:839d  00	#$47	Frost Horn	00000000	N/A
.C:839e  01	#$48	Ag's Arrows	00000001	2-8 Damage
.C:839f  00	#$49	Dmnd Shield	00000000	N/A
.C:83a0  00	#$4a	Bard Bow	00000000	N/A
.C:83a1  00	#$4b	Dmnd Helm	00000000	N/A
.C:83a2  00	#$4c	Elf Boots	00000000	N/A
.C:83a3  00 	#$4d	Van Fgn		00000000	N/A
.C:83a4  02	#$4e	Conjurstaff	00000010	3-12 Damage
.C:83a5  04	#$4f	Staff of Lor	00000100	5-20 Damage
.C:83a6  00	#$50	Ring of Return	00000000	N/A
.C:83a7  22	#$51	Powerstaff	00100010	3-24 Damage
.C:83a8  41	#$52	Breathring	01000001	2-32 Damage
.C:83a9  00	#$53	Dragonshield	00000000	N/A
.C:83aa  00	#$54	Dmnd Plate	00000000	N/A
.C:83ab  00	#$55	Wargloves	00000000	N/A
.C:83ac  00	#$56	Wizhelm		00000000	N/A
.C:83ad  00	#$57	Dragonwand	00000000	N/A
.C:83ae  00	#$58	Deathring	00000000	N/A
.C:83af  42	#$59	Crystal Sword	01000010	3-48 Damage
.C:83b0  00	#$5a	Speedboots	00000000	N/A
.C:83b1  00	#$5b	Flame Horn	00000000	N/A
.C:83b2  00 	#$5c	Zen Arrows	00000000	N/A
.C:83b3  00	#$5d	Drums of Death	00000000	N/A
.C:83b4  00 	#$5e	Pipes of Pan	00000000	N/A
.C:83b5  00 	#$5f	Ring of Power	00000000	N/A
.C:83b6  00 	#$60	Song Axe	00000000	N/A		Lame
.C:83b7  00	#$61	Trick Brick	00000000	N/A
.C:83b8  00 	#$62	Dragon Fgn	00000000	N/A
.C:83b9  00 	#$63	Mage Fgn	00000000	N/A
.C:83ba  00 	#$64	Troll Ring	00000000	N/A
.C:83bb  01	#$65	Aram's Knife	00000001	2-8 Damage
.C:83bc  00 	#$66	Angra's Eye	00000000	N/A
.C:83bd  00 	#$67	Herb Fgn	00000000	N/A
.C:83be  00	#$68	Master Wand	00000000	N/A
.C:83bf  00 	#$69	Brothers Fgn	00000000	N/A
.C:83c0  00 	#$6a	Dynamite	00000000	N/A
.C:83c1  43	#$6b	Thor's Hammer	01000011	4-64 Damage
.C:83c2  00 	#$6c	Stoneblade	00000000	1-4 Damage
.C:83c3  00	#$6d	Holy Handgrenade00000000	N/A
.C:83c4  00 	#$6e	Masterkey	00000000	N/A
.C:83c5  00	#$6f	Nospin Ring	00000000	N/A
.C:83c6  00	#$70	Torch!		00000000	N/A
.C:83c7  81	#$71	Sword of Zar	10000001	2-128 Damage
.C:83c8  00	#$72	Vial		00000000	N/A
.C:83c9  00	#$73	Item of K	00000000	N/A
.C:83ca  00	#$74	The Ring	00000000	N/A
.C:83cb  00	#$75	Sgmt 1		00000000	N/A
.C:83cc  44	#$76	Sgmt 2		01000100	????
.C:83cd  00	#$77	Sgmt 3		00000000	N/A
.C:83ce  00	#$78	Sgmt 4		00000000	N/A
.C:83cf  00	#$79	Sgmt 5		00000000	N/A
.C:83d0  00	#$7a	Sgmt 6		00000000	N/A
.C:83d1  00	#$7b	Sgmt 7		00000000	N/A
.C:83d2  00	#$7c	The Scepter	00000000	N/A
.C:83d3  00	#$7d	Spectre Snare	00000000	N/A

$83D7 AC bonus (bit0-3); damage and chance to hit bonus (bit4-7)

  AC Bonus		/		Damage & Hit Chance Bonus
  xxxx0000 = 0		/		0000xxxx = 0
  xxxx0001 = 1		/		0001xxxx = 1
  xxxx0010 = 2		/		0010xxxx = 2
  xxxx0011 = 3		/		0011xxxx = 3
  xxxx0100 = 4		/		0100xxxx = 4
  xxxx0101 = 5		/		0101xxxx = 5
  xxxx0110 = 6		/		0110xxxx = 6
.C:83d7  00 	#$01	Torch		00000000	NA / NA
.C:83d8  00	#$02	Lamp		00000000	NA / NA
.C:83d9  00 	#$03	Broadsword	00000000	NA / NA
.C:83da  00	#$04	Short Sword	00000000	NA / NA
.C:83db  00	#$05	Dagger		00000000	NA / NA
.C:83dc  00 	#$06	War Axe		00000000	NA / NA
.C:83dd  00	#$07	Halbard		00000000	NA / NA
.C:83de  00	#$08	Long Bow	00000000	NA / NA
.C:83df  00	#$09	Staff		00000000	NA / NA
.C:83e0  01	#$0a	Buckler		00000001	1 / NA
.C:83e1  02	#$0b	Tower Shield	00000010	2 / NA
.C:83e2  02	#$0c	Leather Armor	00000010	2 / NA
.C:83e3  03	#$0d	Chain Mail	00000011	3 / NA
.C:84e4  04	#$0e	Scale Armor	00000100	4 / NA
.C:83e5  05	#$0f	Plate Armor	00000101	5 / NA
.C:83e6  01	#$10	Robes		00000001	1 / NA
.C:83e7  01	#$11	Helm		00000001	1 / NA
.C:83e8  01	#$12	Leather Gloves	00000001	1 / NA
.C:83e9  01	#$13	Gauntlets	00000001	1 / NA
.C:83ea  00	#$14	Mandolin	00000000	NA / NA
.C:83eb  00	#$15	Spear		00000000	NA / NA
.C:83ec  00 	#$16	Arrows		00000000	NA / NA
.C:83ed  20	#$17	Mthr Sword	00100000	NA / 2
.C:83ee  03	#$18	Mthr Shield	00000011	3 / NA
.C:83ef  04 	#$19	Mthr Chain	00000100	4 / NA
.C:83f0  05 	#$1a	Mthr Scale	00000101	5 / NA
.C:83f1  00 	#$1b	Ogre Fgn	00000000	NA / NA
.C:83f2  04	#$1c	Bracers [6]	00000100	4 / NA
.C:83f3  40	#$1d	Bardsword	01000000	NA / 4
.C:83f4  00	#$1e	Cold Horn	00000000	NA / NA
.C:83f5  00	#$1f	Litewand	00000000	NA / NA
.C:83f6  20	#$20	Mthr Dagger	00100000	NA / 2
.C:83f7  02	#$21	Mthr Helm	00000010	2 / NA
.C:83f8  02	#$22	Mthr Gloves	00000010	2 / NA
.C:83f9  20	#$23	Mthr Axe	00100000	NA / 2
.C:83fa  00	#$24	Shuriken	00000000	NA / NA
.C:83fb  06	#$25	Mthr Plate	00000110	6 / NA
.C:83fc  00 	#$26	Molten Fgn	00000000	NA / NA
.C:83fd  20	#$27	Spell Spear	00100000	NA / 2
.C:83fe  02	#$28	Shield Ring	00000010	2 / NA
.C:83ff  02 	#$29	Fin's Flute	00000010	2 / NA
.C:8400  20	#$2a	Kael's Axe	00100000	NA / 2
.C:8401  00	#$2b	Mthr Arrows	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8402  10 	#$2c	Dayblade	00010000	NA / 1
.C:8403  12 	#$2d	Shield Staff	00010010	2 / 1
.C:8404  03	#$2e	Elf Cloak	00000011	3 / NA
.C:8405  10 	#$2f	Hawkblade	00010000	NA / 1
.C:8406  40 	#$30	Admt Sword	01000000	NA / 4
.C:8407  04	#$31	Admt Shield	00000100	4 / NA
.C:8408  03	#$32	Admt Helm	00000011	3 / NA
.C:8409  03	#$33	Admt Gloves	00000011	3 / NA
.C:841a  00 	#$34	Pureblade	00000000	NA / NA		Wow, what a useless Paladin weapon...
.C:840b  00 	#$35	Boomerang	00000000	NA / NA
.C:840c  02	#$36	Ali's Carpet	00000010	2 / NA
.C:840d  03	#$37	Luckshield	00000011	3 / NA
.C:840e  00	#$38	Dozer Fgn	00000000	NA / NA
.C:840f  05	#$39	Admt Chain	00000101	5 / NA
.C:8410  00 	#$3a	Death Stars	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8411  07	#$3b	Admt Plate	00000111	7 / NA
.C:8412  06	#$3c	Bracers [4]	00000110	6 / NA
.C:8413  00 	#$3d	Slayer Fgn	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8414  05	#$3e	Pure Shield	00000101	5 / NA
.C:8415  02 	#$3f	Mage Staff	00000010	2 / NA
.C:8416  00	#$40	War Staff	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8417  10	#$41	Thief Dagger	00010000	NA / 1
.C:8418  30 	#$42	Soul Mace	00110000	NA / 3
.C:8419  00	#$43	Giantwand	00000000	NA / NA
.C:841a  00	#$44	Kato's Bracer	00000000	NA / NA
.C:841b  32	#$45	Sorcerstaff	00110010	2 / 3
.C:841c  00 	#$46	Galt's Flute	00000000	NA / NA
.C:841d  00 	#$47	Frost Horn	00000000	NA / NA
.C:841e  60 	#$48	Ag's Arrows	01100000	NA / 6
.C:841f  05	#$49	Dmnd Shield	00000101	5 / NA
.C:8420  02  	#$4a	Bard Bow	00000010	2 / NA
.C:8421  04	#$4b	Dmnd Helm	00000100	4 / NA
.C:8422  00 	#$4c	Elf Boots	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8423  00 	#$4d	Van Fgn		00000000	NA / NA
.C:8424  22 	#$4e	Conjurstaff	00100010	2 / 2
.C:8425  10	#$4f	Staff of Lor	00010000	NA / 1
.C:8426  00 	#$50	Ring of Return 	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8427  10	#$51	Powerstaff	00010000	NA / 1
.C:8428  10	#$52	Breathring	00010000	NA / 1		Er....
.C:8429  04	#$53	Dragonshield	00000100	4 / NA
.C:842a  08	#$54	Dmnd Plate	00001000	8 / NA
.C:842b  04	#$55	Wargloves	00000100	4 / NA
.C:842c  03	#$56	Wizhelm		00000011	3 / NA
.C:842d  00	#$57	Dragonwand	00000000	NA / NA
.C:842e  01	#$58	Deathring	00000001	1 / NA
.C:842f  10 	#$59	Crystal Sword	00010000	NA / 1
.C:8430  00	#$5a	Speedboots	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8431  00	#$5b	Flame Horn	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8432  00	#$5c	Zen Arrows	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8433  02 	#$5d	Drums of Death	00000010	2 / NA
.C:8434  02	#$5e	Pipes of Pan	00000010	2 / NA
.C:8435  00	#$5f	Ring of Power	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8436  03	#$60	Song Axe	00000011	3 / NA
.C:8437  00	#$61	Trick Brick	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8438  00 	#$62	Dragon Fgn	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8439  00	#$63	Mage Fgn	00000000	NA / NA
.C:843a  00	#$64	Troll Ring	00000000	NA / NA
.C:843b  40	#$65	Aram's Knife	01000000	NA / 4
.C:843c  00	#$66	Angra's Eye	00000000	NA / NA
.C:843d  00	#$67	Herb Fgn	00000000	NA / NA
.C:843e  00 	#$68	Master Wand	00000000	NA / NA
.C:843f  00	#$69	Brothers Fgn	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8440  00 	#$6a	Dynamite	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8441  20	#$6b	Thor's Hammer	00100000	NA / 2
.C:8442  30	#$6c	Stoneblade	00110000	NA / 3
.C:8443  00	#$6d	Holy Handgrenade00000000	NA / NA
.C:8444  00	#$6e	Masterkey	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8445  00	#$6f	Nospin Ring	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8446  00 	#$70	Torch!		00000000	NA / NA
.C:8447  00	#$71	Sword of Zar	00000000	NA / NA		No bonuses?  Really?
.C:8448  00 	#$72	Vial		00000000	NA / NA
.C:8449  00	#$73	Item of K	00000000	NA / NA
.C:844a  00	#$74	The Ring	00000000	NA / NA
.C:844b  44	#$75	Sgmt 1		01000100	4 / 6
.C:844c  44	#$76	Sgmt 2		01000100	4 / 6
.C:844d  00	#$77	Sgmt 3		00000000	NA / NA
.C:844e  06	#$78	Sgmt 4		00000110	6 / NA
.C:844f  00	#$79	Sgmt 5		00000000	NA / NA
.C:8450  00 	#$7a	Sgmt 6 		00000000	NA / NA
.C:8451  00	#$7b	Sgmt 7		00000000	NA / NA
.C:8452  00	#$7c	The Scepter	00000000	NA / NA
.C:8453  00 	#$7d	Spectre Snare	00000000	NA / NA

- Pureblade, being the supposedly best Paladin-only weapon, has no bonuses.  At all.
- Same with Sword of Zar.  Granted it can be thrown, but still.
- The Breathring gives a +1 hit/damage bonus, for some ridiculous reason.

$8457 item type (bit0-3); melee effect (bit4-7)
  Item Type				Melee Effect
  xxxx0000 = No Category		0000xxxx = N/A
  xxxx0001 = Weapon			0001xxxx = Poisons
  xxxx0010 = Shield			0010xxxx =
  xxxx0011 = Armor			0011xxxx =
  xxxx0100 = Helm			0100xxxx =
  xxxx0101 = Gloves			0101xxxx =
  xxxx0110 = Instrument			0110xxxx =
  xxxx0111 = Figurine			0111xxxx =
  xxxx1000 = Ring			1000xxxx =
  xxxx1001 = Wand			1001xxxx =
  xxxx1010 = Misc Item			1010xxxx =
  xxxx1011 = Bow			1011xxxx =

.C:8457  00 	#$01	Torch		00000000	No Category / NA
.C:8458  00	#$02	Lamp		00000000	No Category / NA
.C:8459  01	#$03	Broadsword	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:845a  01	#$04	Short Sword	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:845b  01	#$05	Dagger		00000001	Weapon / NA	
.C:845c  01	#$06	War Axe		00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:845d  01	#$07	Halbard		00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:845e  0B 	#$08	Long Bow	00001011	Bow / NA
.C:845f  01	#$09	Staff		00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:8460  02	#$0a	Buckler		00000010	Shield; / NA
.C:8461  02 	#$0b	Tower Shield	00000010	Shield; / NA
.C:8462  03	#$0c	Leather Armor	00000011	Armor; ??? / NA
.C:8463	 03	#$0d	Chain Mail	00000011	Armor; ??? / NA
.C:8464  03	#$0e	Scale Armor	00000011	Armor; ??? / NA
.C:8465	 03	#$0f	Plate Armor	00000011	Armor; ??? / NA
.C:8466  03	#$10	Robes		00000011	Armor; ??? / NA
.C:8467  04 	#$11	Helm		00000100	Helm / NA
.C:8468  05	#$12	Leather Gloves	00000101	Gloves / NA
.C:8469  05	#$13	Gauntlets	00000101	Gloves / NA
.C:846a  06	#$14	Mandolin	00000110	Instrument / NA
.C:846b  01	#$15	Spear		00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:846c  0A	#$16	Arrows		00001010	Arrows / NA
.C:846d  01	#$17	Mthr Sword	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:846e  02	#$18	Mthr Shield	00000010	Shield / NA
.C:846f  03 	#$19	Mthr Chain	00000011	Armor / NA
.C:8470  03	#$1a	Mthr Scale	00000011	Armor / NA
.C:8471  07 	#$1b	Ogre Fgn	00000111	Figurine / NA
.C:8472  03	#$1c 	Bracers [6]	00000011	Armor / NA
.C:8473  01	#$1d	Bardsword	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:8474  06 	#$1e	Cold Horn	00000110	Instrument / NA
.C:8475  0A	#$1f	Litewand	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:8476  01	#$20	Mthr Dagger	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:8477  04 	#$21	Mthr Helm	00000100	Helm / NA
.C:8478  05	#$22	Mthr Gloves	00000101	Gloves / NA
.C:8479	 01	#$23	Mthr Axe	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:847a  0A 	#$24	Shuriken	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:847b  03	#$25	Mthr Plate	00000011	Armor / NA
.C:847c  07	#$26	Molten Fgn	00000111	Figurine / NA
.C:847d  01	#$27	Spell Spear	00000001	Weapon
.C:847e  08 	#$28	Shield Ring	00001000	Ring / NA
.C:847f  06	#$29	Fin's Flute	00000110	Instrument / NA
.C:8480  11 	#$2a	Kael's Axe	00010001	Weapon / Poisons
.C:8481  0A	#$2b	Mthr Arrows	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:8482  01	#$2c	Dayblade	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:8483  01	#$2d	Shield Staff	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:8484  0A	#$2e	Elf Cloak	00000001	Misc Item / NA
.C:8485  01	#$2f	Hawkblade	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:8486  01	#$30	Admt Sword	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:8487  02 	#$31	Admt Shield	00000010	Shield / NA
.C:8488  04	#$32	Admt Helm	00000100	Helm / NA
.C:8489  05	#$33	Admt Gloves	00000101	Gloves / NA
.C:848a  01	#$34	Pureblade	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:848b  0A 	#$35	Boomerang	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:848c  0A	#$36	Ali's Carpet	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:848d  02 	#$37	Luckshield	00000010	Shield / NA
.C:848e  07	#$38	Dozer Fgn	00000111	Figurine / NA
.C:848f  03	#$39	Admt Chain	00000011	Armor / NA
.C:8490  01	#$3a	Death Stars	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:8491  03	#$3b	Admt Plate	00000011	Armor / NA
.C:8492  03	#$3c	Bracers [4]	00000011	Armor / NA
.C:8493  07	#$3d	Slayer Fgn	00000111	Figurine / NA
.C:8494  02	#$3e	Pure Shield	00000010	Shield / NA
.C:8495  01	#$3f	Mage Staff	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:8496  01	#$40	War Staff	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:8497  01	#$41	Thief Dagger	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:8498  51	#$42	Soul Mace	01010001	Weapon / ????
.C:8499  09	#$43	Giantwand	00001001	Wand / NA
.C:849a  0A	#$44	Kato's Bracer	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:849b  01	#$45	Sorcerstaff	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:849c  06	#$46	Galt's Flute	00000110	Instrument / NA
.C:849d  06	#$47	Frost Horn	00000110	Instrument / NA
.C:849e  0A	#$48	Ag's Arrows	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:849f  02	#$49	Dmnd Shield	00000010	Shield / NA
.C:84a0  0B	#$4a	Bard Bow	00001011	Bow / NA
.C:84a1  04	#$4b	Dmnd Helm	00000100	Helm / NA
.C:84a2  0A	#$4c	Elf Boots	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84a3  06	#$4d	Van Fgn		00000110	Instrument / NA		Huh?
.C:84a4  01	#$4e	Conjurstaff	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:84a5  01	#$4f	Staff of Lor	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:84a6  08	#$50	Ring oF Return	00001000	Ring / NA
.C:84a7  01	#$51	Powerstaff	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:84a8  08 	#$52	Breathring	00001000	Ring / NA
.C:84a9  02 	#$53	Dragonshield	00000010	Shield / NA
.C:84aa  03	#$54	Dmnd Plate	00000011	Armor / NA
.C:84ab  05 	#$55	Wargloves	00000101	Gloves / NA
.C:84ac  04	#$56	Wizhelm		00000100	Helm / NA
.C;84ad  09 	#$57	Dragonwand	00001001	Wand / NA
.C:84ae  08 	#$58	Deathring	00001000	Ring / NA
.C:84af  01	#$59	Crystal Sword 	00000001	Weapon / NA
.c:84b0  0A	#$5a	Speedboots	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84b1  06	#$5b	Flame Horn	00000110	Instrument / NA
.C:84b2  0A 	#$5c	Zen Arrows	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84b3  06	#$5d	Drums of Death	00000110	Instrument / NA
.C:84b4  06 	#$5e	Pipes of Pan	00000110	Instrument / NA
.C:84b5  08 	#$5f	Ring of Power	00001000	Ring / NA
.C:84b6  01	#$60	Song Axe	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:84b7  0A 	#$61	Trick Brick	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84b8  07	#$62	Dragon Fgn	00000111	Figurine / NA
.C:84b9  07	#$63	Mage Fgn	00000111	Figurine / NA
.C:84ba  08	#$64	Troll Ring	00001000	Ring / NA
.C:84bb  01	#$65	Aram's Knife	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:84bc  0A	#$66	Angra's Eye	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84bd  07	#$67	Herb Fgn	00000111	Figurine / NA
.C:84be  09 	#$68	Master Wand	00001001	Wand / NA
.C:84bf  07	#$69	Brothers Fgn	00000111	Figurine / NA
.C:84c0  0A 	#$6a	Dynamite	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84c1  01	#$6b	Thor's Hammer	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:84c2  0A	#$6c	Stoneblade	00001010	Misc Item / NA		Not a weapon?  Ya ok...
.C:84c3  0A 	#$6d	Holy Handgrenade00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84c4  0A	#$6e	Masterkey	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84c5  08 	#$6f	Nospin Ring	00001000	Ring / NA
.C:84c6  00	#$70	Torch!		00000000	No Category / NA
.C:84c7  01	#$71	Sword of Zar	00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:84c8  0A	#$72	Vial		00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84c9  00 	#$73	Item of K	00000000	Item of K / NA
.C:84ca  08	#$74	The Ring	00001000	Ring / NA
.C:84cb  08	#$75	Sgmt 1		00001000	Ring / NA		Ring, huh...
.C:84cc  01	#$76	Sgmt 2		00000001	Weapon / NA
.C:84cd  0A	#$77	Sgmt 3		00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84ce  0A	#$78	Sgmt 4		00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84cf  0A	#$79	Sgmt 5		00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84d0  0A	#$7a	Sgmt 6		00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84d1  0A	#$7b	Sgmt 7		00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84d2  0A	#$7c	The Scepter	00001010	Misc Item / NA
.C:84d3  0A 	#$7d	Spectre Snare	00001010	Misc Item / NA

A few things silly with this table.  Segment #1 is a Ring, apparently; Segment #2 is a weapon!?  The Van Figurine is apparently a bard instrument, and there's literally a whopping TWO items that have a "melee effect"; Kael's Axe poisons, and the Soul Mace does...something?  Level drain?
There's also 4 items that have no category whatsoever; the Torch and Lamp items can't ever be found as unidentified, I guess, and the other 2 items are literally inventory holders that the game checks at different points to allow the party to proceed...

$84D6 Useable By Character Class (1 = useable, 0 = not)
00000001: Monk
00000010: Hunter
00000100: Paladin
00001000: Bard
00010000: Rogue
00100000: Conjuror, Magician, Sorcerer, & Magician
01000000: Archmage
10000000: Warrior

.C:84d7  FF	#$01	Torch		11111111	ALL
.C:84d8  FF	#$02	Lamp		11111111	ALL
.C:84d9  8F	#$03	Broadsword	10001111	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk
.C:84da  BF	#$04	Short Sword	10111111	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk, Archmage
.C:84db  FF	#$05	Dagger		11111111	ALL
.C:84dc  8F	#$06	War Axe		10001111	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk
.C:84dd  87	#$07	Halbard		10000111	Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Monk
.C:84de  BF	#$08	Long Bow	10111111	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk, Archmage
.C:84df  FF	#$09	Staff		11111111	ALL
.C:84e0  BF	#$0a	Buckler		10111111	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk, Archmage
.C:84e1  8E 	#$0b	Tower Shield	10001110	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:84e2  BF	#$0c	Leather Armor	10111111	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk, Archmage
.C:84e3  8F	#$0d	Chain Mail	10001111	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk
.C:84e4  8E	#$0e	Scale Armor	10001110	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:84e5  86	#$0f	Plate Armor	10000110	Warrior, Paladin, Hunter
.C:84e6  FF 	#$10	Robes		11111111	ALL
.C:84e7  BF	#$11	Helm		10111111	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk, Archmage
.C:84e8  FF	#$12	Leather Gloves	11111111	ALL
.C:84e9  86 	#$13	Gauntlets	10000110	Warrior, Paladin, Hunter
.C:84ea  08 	#$14	Mandolin	00001000	Bard
.C:84eb  9F	#$15	Spear		10011111	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk
.C:84ec  BF	#$16	Arrows		10111111	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk, Archmage
.C:84ed  9E	#$17	Mthr Sword	10011110	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Palading, Hunter
.C:84ee  BF	#$18	Mthr Shield	10111111	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk, Archmage
.C:84ef  8E	#$19	Mthr Chain	10001110	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:84f0  8E 	#$1a	Mthr Scale	10001110	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:84f1  FF	#$1b	Ogre Fgn	11111111	ALL
.C:84f2  FF	#$1c	Bracers [6]	11111111	ALL
.C:84f3  08	#$1d 	Bardsword	00001000	Bard
.C:84f4  08	#$1e	Cold Horn	00001000	Bard
.C:84f5  60	#$1f	Litewand	01100000	Wizard, Sorcerer, Conjuror, Magician, Archmage
.C:84f6  FF	#$20	Mthr Dagger	11111111	ALL
.C:84f7  9F	#$21	Mthr Helm	10011111	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk
.C:84f8  8C	#$22	Mthr Gloves	10001100	Warrior, Bard, Paladin
.C:84f9  8F	#$23	Mthr Axe	10001111	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk
.C:84fa  9B	#$24	Shuriken	10011011	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Hunter, Monk
.C:84fb  8C	#$25	Mthr Plate	10001100	Warrior, Bard, Paladin
.C:84fc  FF	#$26	Molten Fgn	11111111	ALL
.C:84fd  BF	#$27	Spell Spear	10111111	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk, Archmage
.C:84fe  FF	#$28	Shield Ring	11111111	ALL
.C:84ff  08 	#$29	Fin's Flute	00001000	Bard
.C:8500  8E 	#$2a	Kael's Axe	10001110	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:8501  9F	#$2b	Mthr Arrows	10011111	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk
.C:8502  8E	#$2c	Dayblade	10001110	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:8503  FF	#$2d	Shield Staff	11111111	ALL
.C:8504  FF	#$2e	Elf Cloak	11111111	ALL
.C:8505  8E 	#$2f	Hawkblade	10001110	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:8506  9E	#$30	Admt Sword	10011110	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:8507  9E	#$31	Admt Shield	10011110	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:8508  9E	#$32	Admt Helm	10011110	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:8509  84	#$33	Admt Gloves	10000100	Warrior, Paladin
.C:850a  04	#$34	Pureblade	00000100	Paladin
.C:850b  99	#$35	Boomerang	10011001	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Monk
.C:850c  FF	#$36	Ali's Carpet	11111111	ALL
.C:850d  9E	#$37	Luckshield	10011110	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:850e  FF	#$38	Dozer Fgn	11111111	ALL
.C:850f  8E	#$39	Admt Chain	10001110	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:8510  02 	#$3a	Death Stars	00000010	Hunter
.C:8511  84	#$3b	Admt Plate	10000100	Warrior, Paladin
.C:8512  FF	#$3c	Bracers [4]	11111111	ALL
.C:8513  FF	#$3d	Slayer Fgn	11111111	ALL
.C:8514  04	#$3e	Pure Shield	00000100	Paladin
.C:8515  60	#$3f	Mage Staff	01100000	Wizard, Sorcer, Conjuror, Magician, Archmage
.C:8516  FF	#$40	War Staff	11111111	ALL
.C:8517  10	#$41	Thief Dagger	00010000	Rogue
.C:8518  8E 	#$42	Soul Mace	10001110	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:8519  60	#$43	Giantwand	01100000	Wizard, Sorcerer, Conjuror, Magician, Archmage
.C:851a  60 	#$44	Kato's Bracer	01100000	Wizard, Sorcerer, Conjuror, Magician, Archmage
.C:851b  60	#$45	Sorcerstaff	01100000	Wizard, Sorcerer, Conjuror, Magician, Archmage
.C:851c  08 	#$46	Galt's Flute	00001000	Bard
.C:851d  08 	#$47	Frost Horn	00001000	Bard
.C:851e  86	#$48	Ag's Arrows	10000110	Warrior, Paladin, Hunter
.C:851f  8C 	#$49	Dmnd Shield	10001100	Warrior, Bard, Paladin
.C:8520  08 	#$4a	Bard Bow	00001000	Bard
.C:8521  86	#$4b	Dmnd Helm	10000110	Warrior, Paladin, Hunter
.C:8522  FF	#$4c	Elf Boots	11111111	ALL
.C:8523  08	#$4d	Van Fgn		00001000	Bard	Only bards can use this??
.C:8524  60	#$4e	Conjurstaff	01100000	Wizard, Sorcerer, Conjuror, Magician, Archmage
.C:8525  61	#$4f	Staff of Lor	01100001	Wizard, Sorcerer, Conjuror, Magician, Monk, Archmage
.C:8526  64	#$50	Ring of Return	01100100	Wizard, Sorcerer, Conjuror, Magician, Paladin, Archmage
.C:8527  FC	#$51	Powerstaff	11111100	Warrior, Wizard, Sorcerer, Conjuror, Magician, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Archmage
.C:8528  FF	#$52	Breathring	11111111	ALL
.C:8529  FF 	#$53	Dragonshield	11111111	ALL
.C:852a  84	#$54	Dmnd Plate	10000100	Warrior, Paladin
.C:852b  84 	#$55	Wargloves	10000100	Warrior, Paladin
.C:852c  20	#$56	Wizhelm		00100000	Archmage		
.C:852d  60	#$57	Dragonwand	01100000	Wizard, Sorcerer, Conjuror, Magician, Archmage
.C:852e  86 	#$58	Deathring	10000110	Warrior, Paladin, Hunter
.C:852f  8E	#$59	Crystal Sword	10001110	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter
.C:8530  BF	#$5a	Speedboots	10111111	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk, Archmage
.C:8531  08	#$5b	Flame Horn	00001000	Bard
.C:8532  9F	#$5c	Zen Arrows	10011111	Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk
.C:8533  08	#$5d	Drums of Death	00001000	Bard
.C:8534  08 	#$5e	Pipes of Pan	00001000	Bard
.C:8535  62	#$5f	Ring of Power	01100010	Wizard, Sorcerer, Conjuror, Magician, Hunter, Archmage
.C:8536  08	#$60	Song Axe	00001000	Bard
.C:8537  60	#$61	Trick Brick	01100000	Wizard, Sorcerer, Conjuror, Magician, Archmage
.C:8538  FF	#$62	Dragon Fgn	11111111	ALL
.C:8539  FF	#$63	Mage Fgn	11111111	ALL
.C:853a  FF	#$64	Troll Ring	11111111	ALL
.C:853b  86	#$65	Aram's Knife	10000110	Warrior, Paladin, Hunter
.C:853c  6C	#$66	Angra's Eye	01101100	Wizard, Sorcerer, Conjuror, Magician, Bard, Paladin, Archmage
.C:853d  FF	#$67	Herb Fgn	11111111	ALL
.C:853e  20	#$68	Master Wand	00100000	Archmage
.C:853f  FF	#$69	Brothers Fgn	11111111	ALL
.C:8540  FF	#$6a	Dynamite	11111111	ALL
.C:8541  84	#$6b	Thor's Hammer	10000100	Warrior, Paladin
.C:8542  86 	#$6c	Stoneblade	10000110	Warrior, Paladin, Hunter
.C:8543  FF	#$6d	Holy Handgrenade11111111	ALL
.C:8544  FF	#$6e	Masterkey	11111111	ALL
.C:8545  FF	#$6f	Nospin Ring	11111111	ALL
.C:8546  FF	#$70	Torch!		11111111	ALL
.C:8547  86	#$71	Sword of Zar	10000110	Warrior, Paladin, Hunter
.C:8548  FF 	#$72	Vial		11111111	ALL
.C:8549  FF	#$73	Item of K	11111111	ALL
.C:854a  FF	#$74	The Ring	11111111	ALL
.C:854b  FF	#$75	Sgmt 1		11111111	ALL
.C:854c  8F	#$76	Sgmt 2		10001111	Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk
.C:854d  20	#$77	Sgmt 3		00100000	Archmage
.C:854e  20 	#$78	Sgmt 4		00100000	Archmage
.C:854f  20	#$79	Sgmt 5		00100000	Archmage
.C:8550  20	#$7a	Sgmt 6		00100000	Archmage
.C:8551  20	#$7b	Sgmt 7		00100000	Archmage
.C:8552  20	#$7c	The Scepter	00100000	Archmage
.C:8553  20	#$7d	Spectre Snare	00100000	Archmage

$8557 Usable outside combat (bit7)?; special effect (bit0-6)
  00 = Not usable, other values indicate bitfields
  Special Effect Table
  x0000001 = Regenerate hitpoints (increase multiplier?)
  x0000010 = Regenerate spell points (increase multiplier?)
  x0000100 = Halves spellpoint cost of spells (cumulative?)
  x0001000 = ????????
  x0010000 =
  x0100000 =
  x1000000 =

Not entirely certain that the values are bitfields beyond bit 7...

.C:8557  80	#$01	Torch		10000000	Use out of combat	
.C:8558  80	#$02	Lamp		10000000	Use out of combat
.C:8559  00	#$03	Broadsword	00000000	Passive Item
.C:855a  00	#$04	Short Sword	00000000	Passive Item
.C:855b  00	#$05	Dagger		00000000	Passive Item
.C:855c  00	#$06	War Axe		00000000	Passive Item
.C:855d  00	#$07	Halbard		00000000	Passive Item
.C:855e  0D	#$08 	Long Bow	00001101	?????????
.C:855f  00	#$09	Staff		00000000	Passive Item
.C:8560  00    	#$0a	Buckler		00000000	Passive Item
.C:8561  00	#$0b	Tower Shield	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8562  00	#$0c	Leather Armor	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8563  00	#$0d	Chain Mail	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8564  00	#$0e	Scale Armor	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8565  00	#$0f	Plate Armor	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8566  00	#$10	Robes		00000000	Passive Item
.C:8567  00	#$11	Helm		00000000	Passive Item
.C:8568  00	#$12	Leather Gloves	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8569  00	#$13	Gauntlets	00000000	Passive Item
.C:856a  00	#$14	Mandolin	00000000	Passive Item
.C:856b  00	#$15	Spear		00000000	Passive Item
.C:856c  11	#$16	Arrows		00010001	????????
.C:856d  00	#$17	Mthr Sword	00000000	Passive Item
.C:856e  00 	#$18	Mthr Shield	00000000	Passive Item
.C:856f  00	#$19	Mthr Chain	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8570  00	#$1a	Mthr Scale	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8571  BC	#$1b	Giant Fgn	10111100	Use out of combat; ??????
.C:8572  00	#$1c	Bracers [6]	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8673  05	#$1d	Bardsword	00000101	Prevents bard's song count from decreasing
.C:8574  80	#$1e	Cold Horn	10000000	Use out of combat (but whyyyyy?)
.C:8575  80 	#$1f	Litewand	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:8576  00	#$20	Mthr Dagger	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8577  00	#$21	Mthr Helm	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8578  00	#$22	Mthr Gloves	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8579  00	#$23	Mthr Axe	00000000	Passive Item
.C:857a  80	#$24	Shuriken	10000000	Use out of combat (but whyyyyy?)
.C:857b  00	#$25	Mthr Plate	00000000	Passive Item
.C:857c  80	#$26	Molten Fgn	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:857d  80	#$27	Spell Spear	10000000	Use out of combat (but whyyyyy?)
.C:857e  00	#$28	Shield Ring	00000000	Passive Item
.C:857f  00 	#$29	Fin's Flute	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8580  00	#$2a	Kael's Axe	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8581  11	#$2b	Mthr Arrows	00010001	?????????
.C:8582  80 	#$2c	Dayblade	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:8583  00	#$2d	Shield Staff	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8584  00	#$2e	Elf Cloak	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8585  00 	#$2f	Hawkblade	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8586  00	#$30	Admt Sword	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8587  00	#$31	Admt Shield	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8588  00	#$32	Admt Helm	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8589  00	#$33	Admt Gloves	00000000	Passive Item
.C:858a  00	#$34	Pureblade	00000000	Passive Item
.C:858b  00	#$35	Boomerang	00000000	Passive Item
.C:858c  80 	#$36	Ali's Carpet	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:858d  06	#$37	Luckshield	00000110	??????? Increases "Lk" stat?
.C:858e  80	#$38	Dozer Fgn	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:858d  00 	#$39	Admt Chain	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8590  80 	#$3a	Death Stars	10000000	Use out of combat (but whyyyyy?)
.C:8591  00 	#$3b	Admt Plate	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8592  00 	#$3c	Bracers [4]	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8593  80	#$3d	Slayer Fgn	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:8594  00	#$3e	Pure Shield	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8595  02	#$3f	Mage Staff	00000010	Regenerate spell points
.C:8596  00	#$40	War Staff	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8597  08	#$41	Thief Dagger	00001000	Boosts Hiding Ability?
.C:8598  00 	#$42	Soul Mace	00000000	Passive Item
.C:8599  80	#$43	Giantwand	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:859a  09	#$44 	Kato's Bracer	00001001	???????
.C:859b  80	#$45	Sorcerstaff	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:859c  00	#$46	Galt's Flute	00000000	Passive Item
.C:859d  80 	#$47	Frost Horn	10000000	Use out of combat (but whyyyyy?)
.C:859e  11	#$48	Ag's Arrows	00010001	????????????
.C:859f  00	#$49	Dmnd Shield	00000000	Passive Item
.C:85a0  0D	#$4a	Bard Bow	00001101	??????
.C:85a1  00	#$4b	Dmnd Helm	00000000	Passive Item
.C:85a2  00	#$4c	Elf Boots	00000000	Passive Item
.C:85a3  80	#$4d	Van Fgn		10000000	Use out of combat
.C:85a4  04 	#$4e	Conjurstaff	00000100	Halves spellpoint cost of spells
.C:85a5  00	#$4f	Staff of Lor	00000000	Passive Item
.C:85a6  00	#$50	Ring of Return	00000000	Passive Item
.C:85a7  80	#$51	Powerstaff	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:85a8  0A 	#$52	Breathring	00001010	Nullifies all breath attack damage against character
.C:85a9  80	#$53	Dragonshield	10000000	Use out of combat (but whyyyyy?)
.C:85aa  00	#$54	Dmnd Plate	00000000	Passive Item
.C:85ab  00 	#$55	Wargloves	00000000	Passive Item
.C:85ac  00 	#$56	Wizhelm		00000000	Passive Item
.C:85ad  00	#$57	Dragonwand	00000000	Passive Item
.C:85ae  80	#$58	Deathring	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:85af  00	#$59	Crystal Sword	00000000	Passive Item
.C:85b0  07	#$5a	Speedboots	00000111	Party has increased chance to run from combat
.C:85b1  80 	#$5b	Flame Horn	10000000	Use out of combat (but whyyyyy?)
.C:85b2  11	#$5c	Zen Arrows	00010001	?????????
.C:85b3  80 	#$5d	Drums of Death	10000000	Use out of combat (but whyyyyy?)
.C:85b4  00	#$5e	Pipes of Pan	00000000	Passive Item
.C:85b5  80	#$5f	Ring of Power	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:85b6  05 	#$60	Song Axe	00000101	Prevent bard's song count from decreasing
.C:85b7  00	#$61	Trick Brick	00000000	Passive Item
.C:85b8  80	#$62	Dragon Fgn	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:85b9  80	#$63	Mage Fgn	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:85ba  01	#$64	Troll Ring	00000001	Regenerates character's hitpoints
.C:85bb  80 	#$65	Aram's Knife	10000000	Use out of combat (but whyyyyy?)
.C:85bc  80	#$66	Angra's Eye	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:85bd  80 	#$67	Herb Fgn	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:85be  80	#$68	Master Wand	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:85bf  80	#$69	Brothers Fgn	10000000	Use out of combat
.C:85c0  80	#$6a	Dynamite	10000000	Use out of combat (but whyyyyy?)
.C:85c1  81	#$6b	Thor's Hammer	10000001	Use out of combat (but whyyyyy?), regen hitpoints
.C:85c2  80	#$6c	Stoneblade	10000000	Use out of combat (but whyyyyy?)
.C:85c3  00	#$6d	Holy Handgrenade00000000	Passive Item
.C:85c4  0F	#$6e	Masterkey	00001111	????????	
.C:85c5  03	#$6f	Nospin Ring	00000011	Gives spinners the middle finger
.C:85c6  00	#$70	Torch!		00000000	Passive Item
.C:85c7  80	#$71	Sword of Zar	10000000	Use out of combat (but whyyyyy?)
.C:85c8  0E	#$72	Vial		00001110	?????????
.C:85c9  10	#$73	Item of K	00010000	?????????
.C:85ca  00 	#$74	The Ring	00000000	Passive Item
.C:85cb  00	#$75	Sgmt 1		00000000	Passive Item
.C:85cc  00 	#$76	Sgmt 2		00000000	Passive Item
.C:85cd  A0	#$77	Sgmt 3		10100000	Use out of combat; casts ?????
.C:85ce  21 	#$78	Sgmt 4		00100001	Casts ?????? (HEAL)
.C:85cf  22	#$79	Sgmt 5		00100010	Casts BASP
.C:85d0  A3	#$7a	Sgmt 6		10100011	Casts BRKR
.C:85d1  A4 	#$7b	Sgmt 7		10100100	Casts ????
.C:85d2  A5	#$7c	The Scepter	10100101	Casts????
.C:85d3  A6	#$7d	Spectre Snare	10100110	Casts DEST??

- I am quite confused as to what some of the bitfield values actually represent.  For instance, the Mage Staff has a value of 00000010, and we know it regenerates the character's spellpoins (it probably adds +1 to the regen modifier, which stacks with regenerating in daylight and regenerating on a dungeon's SP regeneration square).
However, other items have Bit 1 set as well, and they do NOT regenerate spell points.  So what's going on here?

$85D7 Can this item be "used"?  00 = no, any other value = yes.  I think.

.C:85d7  60          RTS		#$01	Torch		YES
.C:85d8  61				#$02	Lamp		YES
.C:85d9  00          ADC ($00,X)	#$03	Broadsword	NO
.C:85da  00          BRK		#$04	Short Sword	NO
.C:85db  00          BRK		#$05	Dagger		NO	Why not???
.C:85dc  64				#$06	War Axe		YES
.C:85dd  00          NOOP $00		#$07	Halbard		NO
.C:85de  00          BRK		#$08	Long Bow	NO
.C:85df  00          BRK		#$09	Staff		NO
.C:85e0  00          BRK		#$0a	Buckler		NO
.C:85e1  00          BRK		#$0b	Tower Shield	NO
.C:85e2  00          BRK		#$0c	Leather Armor	NO
.C:85e3  00          BRK		#$0d	Chain Mail	NO
.C:85e4  00          BRK		#$0e	Scale Armor	NO
.C:85e5  00          BRK		#$0f	Plate Armor	NO
.C:85e6  00          BRK		#$10	Robes		NO
.C:85e7  00          BRK		#$11	Helm		NO
.C:85e8  00          BRK		#$12	Leather Gloves	NO
.C:85e9  00          BRK		#$13	Gauntlets	NO
.C:85ea  00          BRK		#$14	Mandolin	NO
.C:85eb  63				#$15	Spear 		YES
.C:85ec  62          RRA ($62,X)	#$16	Arrows		YES
.C:85ed  00          BRK		#$17	Mthr Sword	NO
.C:85ee  00          BRK		#$18	Mthr Shield	NO
.C:85ef  00          BRK		#$19	Mthr Chain	NO
.C:85f0  00          BRK		#$1a	Mthr Scale	NO
.C:85f1  70				#$1b	Ogre Fgn	YES
.C:85f2  00          BVS $85F3		#$1c	Bracers [6]	NO
.C:85f3  00          BRK		#$1d	Bardsword	NO
.C:85f4  51				#$1e	Cold Horn	YES
.C:85f5  06          EOR ($06),Y	#$1f	Litewand	YES
.C:85f6  00          BRK		#$20	Mthr Dagger	NO
.C:85f7  00          BRK		#$21	Mthr Helm	NO
.C:85f8  00          BRK		#$22	Mthr Gloves	NO
.C:85f9  64				#$23	Mthr Axe	YES
.C:85fa  65          NOOP $65		#$24	Shuriken	YES
.C:85fb  00          BRK		#$25	Mthr Plate	NO
.C:85fc  71				#$26	Molten Fgn	YES
.C:85fd  66          ADC ($66),Y	#$27	Spell Spear	YES
.C:85fe  00          BRK		#$28	Shield Ring	NO
.C:85ff  00          BRK		#$29	Fin's Flute	NO
.C:8600  64				#$2a	Kael's Axe	YES
.C:8601  67          NOOP $67		#$2b	Mthr Arrows	YES
.C:8602  06				#$2c	Dayblade	YES
.C:8603  00       ASL $00		#$2d	Shield Staff	NO
.C:8604  00          BRK		#$2e	Elf Cloak	NO
.C:8605  00          BRK		#$2f	Hawkblade	NO
.C:8606  00          BRK		#$30	Admt Sword	NO
.C:8607  00          BRK		#$31	Admt Shield	NO
.C:8608  00          BRK		#$32	Admt Helm	NO
.C:8609  00          BRK		#$33	Admt Gloves	NO
.C:860a  00          BRK		#$34	Pureblade	NO
.C:860b  68          PLA		#$35	Boomerang	YES
.C:860c  0E				#$36	Ali's Carpet	YES
.C:860d  00				#$37	Luckshield	NO
.C:860e  72          ASL $7200		#$38	Dozer Fgn	YES
.C:860f  00          BRK		#$39	Admt Chain	NO
.C:8610  69 				#$3a	Death Stars	YES
.C:8611  00          ADC #$00		#$3b	Admt Plate	NO
.C:8612  00          BRK		#$3c	Bracers [4]	NO
.C:8613  73				#$3d	Slayer Fgn	YES
.C:8614  00          RRA ($00),Y	#$3e	Pure Shield	NO
.C:8615  00          BRK		#$3f	Mage Staff	NO
.C:8616  00          BRK		#$40	War Staff	NO
.C:8617  00          BRK		#$41	Thief Dagger	NO
.C:8618  00          BRK		#$42	Soul Mace	NO
.C:8619  33				#$43	Giantwand	YES
.C:861a	 00          RLA ($00),Y	#$44	Kato's Bracer	NO
.C:861b  31				#$45	Sorcerstaff	YES
.C:861c  36          AND ($36),Y	#$46	Galt's Flute	YES
.C:861d  54				#$47	Frost Horn	YES
.C:861e  6A          NOOP $6A,X		#$48	Ag's Arrows	YES
.C:861f  00          BRK		#$49	Dmnd Shield	NO
.C:8620  00          BRK		#$4a	Bard Bow	NO
.C:8621  00          BRK		#$4b	Dmnd Helm	NO
.C:8622  00          BRK		#$4c	Elf Boots	NO
.C:8623  74				#$4d	Van Fgn		YES
.C:8624  00          NOOP $00,X		#$4e	Conjurstaff	NO
.C:8625  22          JAM		#$4f	Staff of Lor	YES
.C:8626  25				#$50	Ring of Return	YES
.C:8627  42          AND $42		#$51	Powerstaff	YES
.C:8628  00          BRK		#$52	Breathring	NO
.C:8629  55				#$53	Dragonshield	YES
.C:862a  00          EOR $00,X		#$54	Dmnd Plate	NO
.C:862b  00          BRK		#$55	Wargloves	NO
.C:862c  45				#$56	Wizhelm		YES
.C:862d  58          EOR $58		#$57	Dragonwand	YES
.C:862e  40          RTI		#$58	Deathring	YES
.C:862f  00          BRK		#$59	Crystal Sword	NO
.C:8630  00          BRK		#$5a	Speedboots	NO
.C:8631  5A          NOOP		#$5b	Flame Horn	YES
.C:8632  6C				#$5c	Zen Arrows	YES
.C:8633  23				#$5d	Drums of Death	YES
.C:8634  0B    	     JMP ($0B23)	#$5e	Pipes of Pan	YES
.C:8635  37				#$5f	Ring of Power	YES
.:C8636  6D          RLA $6D,X		#$60	Song Axe	YES
.C:8637  24				#$61	Trick Brick	YES
.C:8638  75          BIT $75		#$62	Dragon Fgn	YES
.C:8639  76				#$63	Mage Fgn	YES
.C:863a  00          ROR $00,X		#$64	Troll Ring	NO
.C:863b  6F				#$65	Aram's Knife	YES
.C:863c  49				#$66	Angra's Eye	YES
.C:863d  77   	     RRA $7749		#$67	Herb Fgn	YES
.C:863e  4B				#$68	Master Wand	YES
.C:863f  78          ASR #$78		#$69	Brothers Fgn	YES
.C:8640  4E				#$6a	Dynamite	YES
.C:8641  6B				#$6b	Thor's Hammer	YES
.C:8642  00   	     LSR $006B		#$6c	Stoneblade	NO
.C:8643  4E				#$6d	Holy HandgrenadeYES
.C:8644  00				#$6e	Masterkey	NO
.C:8645  00   	     LSR $0000		#$6f	Nospin Ring	NO
.C:8646  00          BRK		#$70	Torch!		NO
.C:8647  6E				#$71	Sword of Zar	YES
.C:8648  00				#$72	Vial		NO
.C:8649  00    	     ROR $0000		#$73	Item of K	NO
.C:864a  00          BRK		#$74	The Ring	NO
.C:864b  00          BRK		#$75	Sgmt 1		NO
.C:864c  00          BRK		#$76	Sgmt 2		NO
.C:864d  24				#$77	Sgmt 3		YES
.C:864e  00          BIT $00		#$78	Sgmt 4		NO
.C:864f  45				#$79	Sgmt 5		YES
.C:8650  35          EOR $35		#$7a	Sgmt 6		YES
.C:8651  49          AND $49,X		#$7b	Sgmt 7		YES
.C:8652  4C				#$7c	The Scepter	YES
.C:8653  4D				#$7d	Spectre Snare	YES

$8657 # of Uses
 (01 = Single use, disappears after; FF = Unlimited uses; other number = # of uses; items with
more than 1 use/charge do not disapper when reaching 0)

.C:8657  01 	#$01	Torch (single use)
.C:8658  01     #$02	Lamp (single use)
.C:8659  FF	#$03	Broadsword
.C:865a  FF	#$04	Short Sword
.C:85b   FF    	#$05	Dagger
.C:865c  01 	#$06	War Axe (thrown, single use)
.C:865d  FF   	#$07	Halbard
.C:865e  FF	#$08	Long Bow
.C:865f  FF	#$09	Staff
.C:8660  FF    	#$0a	Buckler
.C:8661  FF	#$0b	Tower Shield
.C:8662  FF	#$0c	Leather Armor
.C:8663  FF    	#$0d	Chain Mail
.C:8664  FF	#$0e	Scale Armor
.C:8665  FF	#$0f	Plate Armor
.C:8666  FF   	#$10	Robes
.C:8667  FF	#$11	Helm
.C:8668  FF	#$12	Leather Gloves
.C:8669  FF 	#$13	Gauntlets
.C:866a  FF	#$14	Mandolin
.C:866b  01	#$15	Spear (thrown, single use)
.C:866c  0A  	#$16	Arrows (10 uses)
.C:866d  FF	#$17	Mthr Sword
.C:866e  FF	#$18	Mthr Shield
.C:866f  FF   	#$19	Mthr Chain
.C:8670  FF	#$1a	Mthr Scale
.C:8671  01	#$1b	Ogre Fgn (single use)
.C:8672  FF  	$1c	Bracers [6]
.C:8673  FF	#$1d	Bardsword
.C:8674  32	#$1e	Cold Horn (50 uses)
.C:8675  50   	#$1f	Litewand (80 uses)
.C:8676  FF	#$20	Mthr Dagger
.C:8677  FF	#$21	Mthr Helm
.C:8678  FF   	#$22	Mthr Gloves
.C:8679  01	#$23	Mthr Axe (thrown, single use)
.C:867a  01     #$24	Shuriken (thrown, single use)
.C:867b  FF	#$25	Mthr Plate
.C:867c  01	#$26	Molten Fgn (single use)
.C:867d  01 	#$27	Spell Spear (thrown, single use)
.C:867e  FF	#$28	Shield Ring
.C:867f  FF	#$29	Fin's Flute
.C:8680  01	#$2a	Kael's Axe (thrown, single use)
.C:8681  0A 	#$2b	Mthr Arrows (10 uses)
.C:8682  50	#$2c	Dayblade (80 uses)
.C:8683  FF	#$2d	Shield Staff
.C:8684  FF	#$2e	Elf Cloak
.C:8685  FF	#$2f	Hawkblade
.C:8686  FF  	#$30	Admt Sword
.C:8687  FF	#$31	Admt Shield
.C:8688  FF	#$32	Admt Helm
.C:8689  FF   	#$33	Admt Gloves
.C:868a  FF	#$34	Pureblade
.C:868b  FF	#$35	Boomerang
.C:868c  58    	#$36	Ali's Carpet (88 uses)
.C:868d  FF	#$37	Luckshield
.C:868e  01	#$38	Dozer Fgn (single use)
.C:868f  FF    	#$39	Admt Chain
.C:8690  04	#$3a	Death Stars (thrown, 4 uses)
.C:8691  FF     #$3b	Admt Plate
.C:8692  FF	#$3c	Bracers [4]
.C:8693  01	#$3d	Slayer Fgn (single use)
.C:8694  FF   	#$3e	Pure Shield
.C:8695  FF	#$3f	Mage Staff
.C:8696  FF	#$40	War Staff
.C:8697  FF    	#$41	Thief Dagger
.C:8698  FF	#$42	Soul Mace
.C:8699  58	#$43	Giantwand (88 uses)
.C:869a  FF    	#$44	Kato's Bracer
.C:869b  50	#$45	Sorcerstaff (80 uses)
.C:869c  58    	#$46	Galt's Flute (88 uses)
.C:869d  41	#$47	Frost Horn (65 uses)
.C:859e  0A     #$48	Ag's Arrows (10 uses)
.C:869f  FF	#$49	Dmnd Shield
.C:86a0  FF	#$4a	Bard Bpw
.C:86a1  FF    	#$4b	Dmnd Helm
.C:86a2  FF	#$4c	Elf Boots
.C:86a3  01	#$4d	Van Fgn (single use)
.C:86a4  FF   	#$4e	Conjurstaff
.C:86a5  23	#$4f	Staff of Lor (35 uses)
.C:86a6  03     #$50	Ring of Return (3 uses)
.C:86a7  33	#$51	Powerstaff (51 uses)
.C:86a8  FF    	#$52	Breathring
.C:86a9  14	#$53	Dragonshield (20 uses)
.C:86aa  FF     #$54	Dmnd Plate
.C:86ab  FF	#$55	Wargloves
.C:86ac  19	#$56	Wizhelm	(25 uses)
.C:86ad  23    	#$57	Dragonwand (35 uses)
.C:86ae  40     #$58	Deathring (64 uses)
.C:86af  FF	#$59	Crystal Sword
.C:86b0  FF	#$5a	Speedboots
.C:86b1  3C   	#$5b	Flame Horn (60 uses)
.C:86b2  0A     #$5c	Zen Arrows (10 uses)
.C:86b3  0C	#$5d	Drums of Death (12 uses)
.C:86b4  FF	#$5e	Pipes of Pan
.C:86b5  11    	#$5f	Ring of power (17 uses)
.C:86b6  FF	#$60	Song Axe
.C:86b7  1E	#$61	Trick Brick (30 uses)
.C:86b8  01    	#$62	Dragon Fgn (single use)
.C:86b9  01	#$63	Mage Fgn (single use)
.C:86ba  FF     #$64	Troll Ring
.C:86bb  FF	#$65	Aram's Knife
.C:86bc  07	#$66	Angra's Eye (7 uses)
.C:86bd  01    	#$67	Herb Fgn (single use)
.C:86be  0B	#$68	Master Wand (11 uses)
.C:86bf  01     #$69	Brothers Fgn (single use)
.C:86c0  01	#$6a	Dynamite (single use)
.C:86c1  FF     #$6b	Thor's Hammer
.C:86c2  FF	#$6c	Stoneblade
.C:86c3  01	#$6d	Holy Handgrenade (single use)
.C:86c4  FF    	#$6e	Masterkey
.C:86c5  FF	#$6f	Nospin Ring
.C:86c6  FF	#$70	Torch!
.C:86c7  FF    	#$71	Sword of Zar
.C:86c8  FF	#$72	Vial
.C:86c9  FF	#$73	Item of K
.C:86ca  FF   	#$74	The Ring
.C:86cb  FF	#$75	Sgmt 1
.C:86cc  FF	#$76	Sgmt 2
.C:86cd  FF    	#$77	Sgmt 3
.C:86ce  FF	#$78	Sgmt 4
.C:86cf  FF	#$79	Sgmt 5
.C:86d0  FF    	#$7a	Sgmt 6
.C:86d1  FF	#$7b	Sgmt 7
.C:86d2  FF	#$7c	The Scepter
.C:86d3  FF   	#7d	Spectre Snare
(Continued Next Post)
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