8-Bit BTCS - 6502 Reverse Engineering Project

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8-Bit BTCS - 6502 Reverse Engineering Project

Post by Darendor »

Alright, I have a very wild and crazy proposal out there for anyone interested in 6502 machine language coding and Bard's Tale.

Does anyone want to band together and reverse engineer the game code for Bard's Tale II for the 8 bit systems (from the original Apple II preferably, or possibly C64) and make a BTCS that actually is useful?

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Post by Darendor »

I went ahead and gathered some screenshots from dungeon views on the C64 version and put them onto a "board". The views that are not captured can be extrapolated from the existing images to generate the probably 100 or so different views.

The only ones I didn't get are of the portals and of course the black window when there's no light.

The point of this is to showcase how many different possible windows the game displays to the player when they're in a dungeon. If we can figure out how many there are then we can look for that many different bits/bytes of code and probably find the dungeon tiles themselves in the game.

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Post by Darendor »

http://www.codebase64.com/doku.php?id=m ... chacking13

I found this article on an online C64 hacking magazine. It appears to be highly relevent:

Code: Select all

by Todd S. Elliott (telliott@ubmail.ubalt.edu)
@(A): Introduction

What? Another article in C=Hacking that deals with the subject of 3-D? 
Well, not in the same vein as Mr. Judd's study in 3 Dimensions for 
rendering shaded 3-D polygons in real time. (See Polygonomy in C=Hacking 
12.) No, this article only deals with the aspect of the 3-D look and 
feel in those dungeon crawls you see for the c64. Some titles spring to 
mind, like the gold box series by SSI in collaboration with TSR, i.e., 
Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, or other popular titles such 
as the Bard's Tale Trilogy.

With the techniques described, the aspiring Dungeon Master (DM) can 
create a rich world to torture his players at the local terminal of the 
beloved c64! That, and some generous helpings from the local pizza 
delivery company. "Hey! Look out for the grease! Arrrgh! Now the `A' key 
is stained!" ;)

@(A): Nuts and Bolts
Let's begin with the 3-D screen. It is comprised of a 12x12 square of 
custom characters, which never change position. The 12x12 square looks 
like this:

characters 01,02,24,25,48,49,..,96,97,120,121

The 144 characters are positioned in an unusual way: they flow in two 
character columns, run down for 24 characters, then go back up for the 
next two-character columns. Think of these two-character columns as 
SEAMS in the 3-D window. Right now, there are six such SEAMS in the 3-D 
window for the dungeon. Of course, these are not the actual characters 
(screen codes), (I forget what they are right now), but they are in a 
continuous sequence, i.e., no broken or interrupted series of screen 
codes. (If memory serves me correctly, they are the last 144 screen 
codes in the 256 screen code table.) The corresponding color codes never 
change, for the sake of speed.

Next, we deal with the concept of CELLS in the 3-D window. There are a 
total of 13 CELLS which we can utilize individually to show an object, 
which in turn, is displayed in the 3-D window in the correct 
perspective. By objects, I mean walls or doors. The perspective is from 
the user's standpoint. This creates the illusion of the 3-D look and 
feel, but does not simulate true 3-D rendering on the fly such as 
Polygonamy by Mr. Judd. (See Polygonomy, C=Hacking 12.)  Let's take a 
look at all 13 cells, to give us an idea of what each one does:

Cell 01 - Farthest left side object.
Cell 02 - Middle left side object.
Cell 03 - Immediate left side object.
Cell 04 - Farthest right side object.
Cell 05 - Middle right side object.
Cell 06 - Immediate right side object.
Cell 07 - Farthest front object.
Cell 08 - Middle front object.
Cell 09 - Immediate front object . (Currently used for backdrop only; 
          fills the entire 12x12 screen.)
Cell 10 - Farthest left side object situated in front.
Cell 11 - Middle left side object situated in front.
Cell 12 - Farthest right side object situated in front.
Cell 13 - Middle right side object situated in front.

The 3-D engine, before it starts to redraw the 12x12 screen, checks the 
user's (you!) orientation. If you are facing north, the engine will know 
this and configure the 3-D window accordingly. Let's assume that the 
user is facing north, and the 3-D engine now looks in the dungeon map 
for relevant objects to place on the screen. The 3-D engine will look 
for doors or walls only. In future revisions, this is expected to 
change. Currently, the map value for a wall is 128 and for a door is 7.

First of all, the 3-D engine looks in Cell 3. If it finds an object 
there, it will paint a wall or door and will skip the search in Cell 11. 
The reason why Cell 11 was skipped is because an object was found in 
Cell 3, which would overwrite Cell 11. We don't want the 3-D engine 
accidentally overwriting Cell 3 with Cell 11 on top. Next, it searches 
for an object in Cell 6, and if it finds an object there, it will skip 
Cell 13. Last, it will search in Cell 8, and if an object is found, it 
will skip all remaining cells except for Cells 10 & 12. This is to 
ensure that there are no overlapping cells which result in a less-than 
harmonious 3-D look and feel. This hunt and eliminate approach employed 
by the 3-D engine can be referred to as a first-last approach. There are 
three layers of information for the 3-D engine to process, and it starts 
from the 1st layer to the 3rd layer, minimizing conflicts and results in 
a natural 3-D look.

Here's the sample code for the direction of north:

   ;paint the north surroundings
   ; Note: the .Y register refers to the location in the map for the 3-D
   ; engine to search.
   ; position the paint location
   npaint  =*
           lda #101
           sta subtract+1
           sta addition+1
           jsr minus
   ;first block module
           ldy #100:jsr cell3
   ;second block module
           bne +:ldy #74:jsr cell11
   +       ldy #102:jsr cell6
           bne +:ldy #78:jsr cell13
   ;third block module
   +       ldy #76:jsr cell8:bne +
   ;fourth block module
           ldy #50:jsr cell2
   ;fifth block module
           ldy #52:jsr cell5
   ;sixth block module
           ldy #26:jsr cell7:bne +
   ;seventh block module
           ldy #0:jsr cell1
   ;eighth block module
           ldy #2:jsr cell4
   +       ldy #24:jsr cell10
           ldy #28:jsr cell12
   ;position the party
           jmp plus
@(A): Drawing the Screen

Now, on to the actual drawing of the 12x12 3-D screen! First, the 3-D 
engine immediately draws a backdrop to Cell 9. This is the floor and the 
sky you see in the 3-D world. (This step may be unnecessary in the 
future.) Then, the 3-D engine takes the object found in a particular 
cell and draws the object on the SEAM in the 12x12 window. Remember the 
SEAM's, eh? Depending on the size of the object, the 3-D engine may 
encompass two or more SEAM's in one sitting. First, it takes the pointer 
values from the graphic tables, extracts the raw graphics data, and 
stashes the same raw data on to the character dot data area. Please note 
that the 3-D engine does not stash the data to the screen; only to the 
character dot data area. Remember that the 12x12 had a character grid- 
the VIC-II chip continuously updates the characters with its 
corresponding dot data. Hence the reason why the characters never change 
in the 12x12 3-D window. This is needed for two reasons: One, the 12x12 
grid uses only 144 of the 256 available characters, leaving some left 
over for regular character. Two, it allows the 3-D engine to `unroll' 
the graphics updating loop using self-modifying code , resulting in 
speed increases.

Here's a sample code for the grunt screen updating routine:

   ;to paint the 3d surroundings
   paint   =*
           lda #59:ldy #128; This is the lo-hi byte representation of
                           ; the character
           sta dummy+2:sty dummy+1; dot data area.
           lda <milleu:ldy >milleu; the pointer to where the backdrop
                                  ; can be found.
           sta dumb+1:sty dumb+2
           ldx #$03
   -       lda #$00
           sta disflag,x; this flag is used for hidden objects.
   dumb    lda $ffff,y
   dummy   sta $ffff,y; This is the self-modifying code to draw the
                      ; backdrop.
           bne dumb
           inc dummy+2
           inc dumb+2
           bpl -  
           ldy #127
   -       lda 22016,y
           sta 16256,y; The remaining part of the backdrop is drawn.
           bpl -
           jmp direction

   ; routine for printing two char wide column on the dungeon window
   table   =*
           lda cassette,y; retrieves the pointer values from a table.
           sta twain+1; The table is stored in the cassette buffer at
                      ; 820.
           lda cassette,y
           sta twain+2
           lda chartable,x
           sta seam+1; This retrieves the pointer values from a table
                     ; for
           inx       ; the character dot data area.
           lda chartable,x
           sta seam+2
           ldy #192; to output enough bytes to fill 24 characters.
           twain lda $ffff,y; Self-modifying code used here to draw the
                            ; 3-D screen.
   seam    sta $ffff,y
           bne twain

@(A): Conclusions

Whew! The 3-D engine has finally done its work and waits for the user to 
press a key for a new facing. The 3-D engine by itself is quite small 
and flexible enough to handle as much as the programmer wants to throw 
at it! The power is in the tables and the 3-D hunt/eliminate routines.

The 3-D Dungeon Demo can be found in this issue of Commodore Hacking
(Reference: code, SubRef: gfxcode), on the Commodore Hacking MAILSERV
server (Reference: code), at http://www.msen.com/~brain/pub/dungeon.sda
or in the file DUNGEON.SDA available at my site.  There may be a c128 
version in the offing, but in 40 col. mode. Of course, there are no 
planned versions for the c65. ;) Please note that it does not contain 
the source code. However, upon request, I will be happy to send you the 
source code in Buddy format. (Right now, I'm trying to make the source 
code assembler neutral to work in either ACEsembler or the Buddy assembler.
Right now, I have already done work in producing a Dungeon Master's 
environment- with a 12x12 screen grabber routine and a Retouch Studio. 
The 3-D engine will be overhauled completely to create a 3-D environment 
in the hi-res multi-color screen, as opposed to using custom characters. 
In the future, I hope to have a complete environment, where the user can 
design dungeons, comment them, add a bestiary, add custom doors and 
walls, and map editors for the purpose of playing pen & paper dungeon 
games. This way, the program only shows the visual aspects of the pen & 
paper genre; it will not have combat or character interaction. I expect 
a version to be ready by the end of summer '96. I'm not sure how I will 
release the software, but I will choose an appropriate medium for mass 
distribution that is accessible to C= users.

That's it! Feel free to drop me a line regarding this article. I'd be 
happy and will try my best to answer any questions or comments about 
this article. Until then, Happy 8-Bit computing!

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Post by Darendor »

A couple of observations regarding the onscreen interface:
- Text box is 12 characters high, 23 wide
- Title box is 13 characters wide
- Window is 13 characters wide
- The walls that are directly in front of the player are 10 character blocks wide by 11 tall; the sides indicating a wall to either side is 1 block wide by 11 tall (the bottom set of blocks appears to only have the upper half drawn making it look like 10 and a half tall)
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Post by dragonbait »

Super Cool Dorendor! & from Horpner's post in the Tales of the Unkown section it looks like he got some of the mapping code figured out. :D
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Post by Darendor »

Trust me, 6502 Assembly Language is a nightmare for me to work with. :?

I'm wondering how the specials are coded. Apparently the dungeon walls are mapped as special characters and displayed as grids like the article above but I'm not certain on it.

And maps for cities seem different as well.
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Post by Horpner »

If we can reverse-engineer things enough, we won't have to even write our own engine. We'd just make some tools to make creation of data disks easier, and let the original engine run the game.

That'd be darn cool. But as I said in ToTU forum, I'm not really that excited to write a BT1 clone when BT2 would be so much more fun.

And yeah... assembly language is a biyotch. But if we are clever, we won't have to grok very much of it. So far, I havent' needed it. There's a famous quote that goes something like: show me your routines, and I'll remain mystified. Show me your data, and your routines will be obvious. I'm sure we can get very, very far without reading a single line of assembly code.
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Post by Darendor »

You seem to have the jump on this so far.

How difficult do you figure reading city maps might be?
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Post by Horpner »

I think, at least in BT1, it'll be more challenging. This is because there's only one city... it could be completely ad-hoc. Having multiple dungeons required MC to come up with some kind of re-usable storage scheme. He didn't have to do that for cities until BT2.

However, I might get lucky.
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Post by Darendor »

I'm staring at the door you put in the wall here with my monitor turned on, and so far it's giving me this:

Code: Select all

>C:$fb00    00 00 00 00   00 00 00 00   00 00 00 00   00 00 00 00   00 00 00 00   00 00 00 00   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Why isn't it displaying the bytes?
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Post by Horpner »

$f800, not $fb00. Tomorrow I'll post a quick key of all the possible byte settings, to make it easier for those who don't know binary or hex.
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Post by Darendor »

Well, oops. :oops: :roll:
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Post by dragonbait »

Hey, I was at Mecandes' Bard's Tale Compendium Yahoo Group and I let them know about the Reverse Engineering Project and he had some links to Burger Becky Heineman's livejournal and website. Maybe she might be interested in the project....
Mecandes wrote:Re: 8-Bit BTCS - 6502 Reverse Engineering Project

I wonder if Burger Becky Heineman would be able to help out with that
project; she's the programmer of Bard's Tale III, and still active in
online geekdom -- she's got a programming blog at:


...and a general home page at: http://www.burgerbecky.com/

Ya should put those dudes in touch with her, eh?
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Post by Darendor »

Some exposure, wonderful.

If only Michael Cranford himself would have some times to help us with this. 8)
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Post by Cpt_Vodka »

Are you guys in need of some graphics dude? Can't convert directly but there'll be a way... :)
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