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8-Bit BTCS - Dungeon Setup Editor

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:06 am
by Darendor
Now that I have a fully functional template to work with, I intend to get started on a "Dungeon Setup Editor".

The proposed features will be:
- changing the dungeon name as it appears under the window
- changing the layout of the "specials", a la traps, darkness, stairs, portals, anti-magic zones, hitpoint leeches, and the custom specials
- changing which dungeon this is out of a set (e.g. level X out of Y levels for Z; where X is the current level, Y is the total number of levels making up the dungeon and Z is the dungeon name)
- changing whether the dungeon is protected from APAR and PHDO or not (preliminary research shows this is set by the entry level for a dungeon - i.e. what levels of Mangar's Tower that can/cannot be APAR/PHDO are determined by 5 bytes set in Mangar's Tower level 1)
- which dungeon walls are used to display walls and doors

To visually demonstrate what I mean, I've composed what the screen might look like:
Note: This isn't actually code generated yet, I need to figure out how to change disk hex addresses to track/sector/position format before I begin.

Any requests for features and such?

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:40 am
by Darendor
Just a development thought...I have no idea how to edit the specials that this flag links to...for instance, the text message at 1N, 1E of the Wine Cellar - I can have the program display that, yes, there's a special flag here, but I don't know how to get it so it knows where to find that special at. :?