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64Copy - Tutorial Needed

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:04 pm
by Darendor
Okay ZeroZero, you and I used this program to explore the Bard's Tale C64 disk images last year.

I forget how to use this stupid thing. :?

So could you tell us all how you use it to find the things you find?


Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:18 pm
by ZeroZero
It has a complete help file with it. The most useful tools in it are the:
the excellent disassembler
the file explorer with ability to easily copy files between dos directories and D64s
the hex editor
the bam editor
etc etc etc
Just read the help files

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:25 pm
by Darendor
I did that. That's why I posted this thread - the help files didn't help me much.

And I was asking you to post how you used it.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:43 pm
by Darendor
I've gone ahead and copied Mangar's Level 5 - NMAF.PRG - and renamed the copy NMB0.PRG.

I'm trying to get it to where we edited it before but I forget how exactly. ALT-F4 isn't co-operating with me.

Help? :?

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:10 am
by Darendor
So I used the HEX edit for my NMB0.PRG file, but I am having a hard time visually figuring things out.

I refer to this chart you made:

Code: Select all

000 - 001	Load Address of file
002 - 201	Wall Map, one byte per cell (see below),
            lines are encoded south to north, west to east
202 - 401	Event Map, one byte per cell (see below), 
            lines are encoded south to north, west to east
402 - 409	Level flags, relate to NMAx file (8 levels)
40a - 411	Lock flags, teleport protected level FF, free level 00
412		   monster level for random encounters
413		   PHDO lock, 01 = PHDO locked, disabled
414		   wall set style: 0 = sewer, 1 = Cellar, 2 = catacomb, 3 = Mangar
415 - 416	point of return into Skara Brae map
417		   dungeon direction, 00 = cellars, 03 = towers
418 - 421   dungeon name (9 chars and dc)
422 - 431	coordinates for up to 8 special events 
		      loaded from files (8 coors)
432 - 441	indices into file load table to evaluate file 
		      number to be loaded from there (see below)
442 - 461	anti magic (16 coors)
462 - 471	teleport FROM coors (8 coors)
472 - 481	teleport TO coors (8 coors)
482 - 491	Spinners (8 coors)
492 - 4a1	Smoke (8 coors)
4a2 - 4c1	HP damage zone (16 coors)
4c2 - 4d1	SP regeneration zone (8 coors)
4d2 - 4e1	Stasis chambers (8 coors)
4e2 - 4f1	cells with messages, same sequence as following texts (8 coors)
4f2 - 501	forced encounters, inavoidable fights (8 coors)
502 - 511	type and number of opps from 4f2
512 - 521	text offset, low/high byte, in file text starts actually
		      when you substract -FD20 (8 pairs)
522 - eof	texts

002 - 201 Wall Map, one byte per cell (see below)

each byte represent 1 cell. The bits 0 and 1 for the north side,
bits 2 and 3 for the south side, bits 4 and 5 east and bits
6 and 7 west.

00 = no walls
01 = wall
10 = door
11 = secret door

202 - 401 Event flags

bit 0 	set if there are stairs to previous level, depending on 417 up or down
bit 1 	set if there are stairs to next level, depending on 417 up or down
bit 2 	set if there is a special
bit 3 	set if there's darkness 
bit 4 	set if there's a trap. 
bit 5 	set if there's a portal down
bit 6 	set if there's a portal up
bit 7 	set if there's a random encounter scheduled for this tile. 

But the byte numbers on the 64Copy screen aren't the same and I get confused. :?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:13 am
by Darendor
Oh come on, man. :?

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:20 am
by ZeroZero
If you hex edit the file directly on the D64 image, you get a "disk editor" that edits the files the same way a C64 disk editor would do, sectorwise.
It is easier to use 64 copy to copy a file out of a D64 image to a DOS binary file. This is easily done if you have open a D64 in the one side of 64copy and a dos/windows directory in the other side and just copy a file from D64 to the other side. Then hex edit the created dos binary file.


It is just as easy to copy back a modified dos binary file to the D64 image.