
On the next dimension you will find eight city's. In every city (not in Berlin) you find a room that you can't enter. Also at every city you find a riddle and you must find the correct answers. In Berlin you find the first answer.

Now you must find the correct city (the correct riddle) to this answer and you will be teleported to one of the rooms that you can't enter. There you find the next answer. I'm sure that you don't need my help to find the correct answers. In Berlin you need a second answer. The name of the owner of the shield that you must bring to the old man at the Review Board is the answer.

Now your Party was teleported to Tarmitia.

Go to the southwest corner of the dungeon and kill Werra and his Slayers. You find Werra´s Shield one place north. You find the Exit to Skara Brae in the northeast corner of the dungeon.