Catacombs Level 1

Around you stretches miles of winding, twisting tunnels. The ancient bones of acolytes jut out of the earth.

9E5 Ghouls
2N, 19E52 Skeletons
6N, 14E39 Skeletons
9N, 18E28 Zombies
16N, 6E11 Wights
(Monster information provided by César Segura Laborda)

New to this level is "Smoke in your eyes". Once you walk through it, your visibility is greatly impaired, and you might as well light up again with your favorite light spell. So far, mine is Greater Revelation. I can't wait until I find a lightwand, however!

Fifteen doors east and thou art there On souls they feast in the dark one's lair

I had a black widow join my party. What an ally! She would gnaw enemies to death - way cool!

The ancient witch king yet lives

The monsters here are just a bit harder than they were in the Sewers, and skeletons and zombies like to travel in large numbers! I found 45 zombies, 66 skeletons, and 9 wightes.

Also, my party encountered its first spinner in the middle of this level. One spinner isn't so bad. The next level will use these spinners much more, I'm sure!

My party is coming along quite well. I have a level 13 monk, hunter, bard, and rogue, a full magician/level 9 conjurer, and a full conjurer/level 9 magician.

My gnome mage is gaining spell points twice as fast as my elf mage, while my elf mage is gaining hit points twice as fast as his gnome counterpart. I'd rather have the spell points myself.

In other news, I mentioned that my website would transfer to a different web server - but it never happened. Oh well. Much ado about nothing...

Mike O'Hara has finished his maps for the Bard's Tale III Click-Through. Look for them to be posted in a few days!

You can contact me at Until next month, farewell fellow Bard's Tale fans!
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