
Lets talk your Chronomancer to the Old Man, then go to the Cold Peak, your entrance to Gelidia. After your Party was teleported to Gelidia (8N 1W), go to the Ice Keep and enter it.

First go to the room at 10W (southeast corner of the dungeon). Let your spellcaster cast the following spells: MAFL, SHSP, FEAR, SUEL and SPBI. Now turn around and the the entrance to the Black Tower appears.

After you have enter the Black Tower turn south, go two south, turn west and go one west. Here are the stairs to the next level. For the next level you need a very exact map, but this is very difficult. So let me help you. From the stairs turn west, go one west, two north, one east, one north, one east and two north. Now, if everything was correct, you'll find the Exit to the third level at 2S. From the stairs at level 3 go two north, four east, four south, four west, one north, three east and two north to the stairs of level 4 (1S 3E). The final level is easy. From the stairs go south, one west, three south and one east. After you killed the Black Wizards you will find the Black Lens.

Now go to the northeast corner of the Ice Keep at 9N 10E an cast the following spells: LEVI, ANMA and PHDO, turn around and the entrance to the White Tower appears.

In the northeast corner (4N 4E) is the Exit to the next level. Don't wonder, the same stairs at level 2 can you use to go back to level 1 or up to level 3. At level 3 you can use the same stairs to go down to level 2 or up to the final level. If you are at the last level, go to the southeast corner (4E). Kill the White Wizards and you will find the Crystal Lens.

Now go back to the Ice Keep and to the corner in the northwest (9N 1W). Cast the following spells: INWO, WIHE, FOFO and INVI. Turn around and the entrance to the Grey Tower appears.

In the Grey Tower you only can go forward. Go to the center of the first level, there are the stairs to the next level. On level 2 seek the stairs to level 3 at the northeast corner (4N). Now, on level 3, go to the southwest corner and you will find the stairs to the last level. On the final level teleport your Party two east, then go two south. Kill the Grey Wizards, get the Smokey Lens and return to the Ice Keep.

Go to 9N 4E and put the Lens into the empty circle. Turn around and the entrance to the Ice Dungeon appears.

The Exit to the Ice Dungeon 2 is located in the northeast corner. On level 2 go to 1S 10E. The answer to the riddle is UTOR and a secret door appears. You will find the Wand of Power and the Sphere of Lanatir in the southeast corner. Go back to the secret door. What's happened? You don't see the secret door. Don't worry! Cast PHDO, leave the Ice Keep and return to the Review Board in Skara Brae.