
Now it's time to visit Lucencia. The Crystal Spring is your passage to Lucencia. After your Party was teleported to Lucencia, go to the City. You are 5N 1W of the entrance to the city. Visit the Bard's Hall and listen to the Bard. He knows two interesting songs and they can help you. You always can buy the Bard Song "Kiel's Overture". The next building you must visit is the Wizard's Guild. Your spellcasters can buy the "Divine Intervention Spell". Now leave the city and go to 1S 8W. You stand in front of a tomb. There is a blue rose bush. Pick up a blue rose. Go to 5S 6W and you stand in front of a tower. There is a red rose bush, so pick up a red rose. Now go to 4N 6W and you will find a white rose bush. Pick up a white rose. Go to 4S 1W and you will find another rose bush. Pick up a Yellow rose. The last rose you need is the rainbow rose, but this rose is yet not available. Go to the Violet Mountain and enter it.

If you have time enough and want to explore this dungeon, do it. If you don't will wait to finish this dimension, teleport your Party one east of the entry stairs. Go north, one west, two north, one west and enter the next level. On level 2 go to 4S 4E, kill the Rainbow Dragon and take the Crystal Key from him. You also must collect some of his blood. Now leave the Violet Mountain and go to the entrance of city.

Turn north, go two north an one west. Here you see a rose bush without any roses. Give some of the Dragon's blood to this bush and you will see a strange effect. Pick up the rainbow rose, go to the tower and enter it.

There is a keyhole in the wall. Put the Crystal Key into the keyhole and a door appears. Follow the corridor to the end and enter the next level. On level 2 the stairs to the third level are located in the center of the Tower. On level 3 go to 1N 3E and pass the door. Turn around and you see Cyanis. Kill Cyanis, take the Magic Triangle from him and leave the tower.

Now you are ready to enter Alliria´s Tomb.

Go to 9N 6E and you see a large black crystal is blocking your way north. Use the Magic Triangle, destroy the crystal and take the stairs to the next level. On the second level follow the corridor. A women wants the Flower of Truth (White Rose), at 15N 6E the Flower of Valor (Blue Rose), at 18N 12E the Flower of Kinship (Red Rose), at 10N 16E the Flower of Nature (Yellow Rose) and at 14N 16E The Flower of Alliria (Rainbow Rose). At 15N 15E you will find the Crown of Truth and the Belt of Alliria. Now return to the Review Board.